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It had been over a month since George was allowed to come back to school. I hadn't seen much of him. He was busy all the time, with Quidditch, Dumbledore's Army, The Order and his and Fred's shenanigans. 

I spent most of my time alone nowadays. Bug was always busy with Luna. Harry, Ron and Hermione were off and whatever adventure they were on. The time I spent that wasn't by myself was with Oliver, Cedric or Draco. Draco and I spent all our time together either studying or making fun of each other. One day Cedric, Draco and Oliver came up to me and asked me to train them. 

"For what?" I asked. 

"We all know that Voldemort is back there's no denying that but we have no skill or experience in battle. We just wanted to be prepared" Cedric said. After 10 minutes of them begging I agreed.

Over the next few weeks, I taught them how to fight both with and without their wands. Oliver and Cedric were quick at learning whatever I taught them. Draco needed a bit more help though so I agreed to take a week during Christmas break to help him get better. 

We were going to stay at his house. I was excited but also a little nervous. Lucius was a rude man but he was tolerable. I was going to spend Christmas with him and his family since mine wasn't really into that stuff. 

Father was going to stay at school to prepare for the next semester and my sister was going to spend time with Luna and Aberforth. 

The week before I was supposed to leave to go to the Malfoy's, George came up to me in the hall. 

"Hey love." he said giving me a hug. 

"Hey" I said smiling and hugging him back. He pulled back and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. We walked into the great hall together. 

"Did you want to come to spend the holidays at mine? Harry and Hermione will also be there and I think Ginny is inviting Neville so he doesn't have to be alone with his Grandmother" he said. He was clearly out of breath. 

"George, did you run here?" I asked 

"Yeah I wanted to catch you before you disappeared again" he said 

"So? You wanna come?" he asked. 

"I would but I can't" I responded. 

"Why not?" he asked confused. 

"I already made plans." I said nervously 

"With who?" he asked. 

"Malfoy." I stated. 

"Draco Malfoy?" he asked. I nodded. 

"I see how it is" he said turning to walk away. 

"George it's not like that" I said grabbing his hand. 

"What's it like then?" he said turning around. 

"He wants me to help him with training because nobody else will teach him!" I said. 

"I can come for the rest of the holidays" I said. 

"Is there a way you can reschedule?" He asked. 

"I'm not sure." I said. 

"Let me know" he said kissing me on the forehead and running over to greet Fred and Harry who were coming through the door. I saw Draco eating in the corner by himself. I ran over and said 


"hey Aspen" he said smiling at me. 

"Hey I'm sorry to do this to you but is there any chance I can come to yours the week after next week instead?" I asked 

"Of course" he said 

"Don't worry about it" he said going back to eating and reading. I walked over to where Fred and George were standing I rounded the corner just in time to see Lavender run-up to George and hug him. 

I stopped dead in my tracks. Everybody knew that Lavender had a thing for the Weasley boys. Fred looked over and saw me standing there. I sarcastically smiled at him and bolted outside. 


Fred POV

We all knew that Lavender had a bit of a crush on me Ron and George but I didn't know he was THAT oblivious. I was talking to him about something when a short brunette came running at him and hugged him. 

He smiled and hugged her back. I was a bit annoyed he would do that when he had a girlfriend but I shrugged it off. I turned and saw Aspen staring at them. She grinned at me and ran out the door. I elbowed George in the ribs. 

"Ow, what was that for?!" he asked letting go of Lavender. 

"You are such an ass sometimes you know that?" I said heading outside after Aspen. I found her sitting under a tree outside looking at the sky. I sat down next to her. 

"Rough day?" I asked. 

"I literally changed my entire holiday schedule so I could hang out with him and get introduced to your parents as his girlfriend but then he goes and does that right in front of me." She said. 

"Yeah, it was a bit stupid on his part." I said. 

"Hey listen, why don't you just come to ours and you and I can hangout?" I asked 

"That sounds great. Thanks Freddie" she said. 

"Also Lavender may or may not have invited herself." I said.

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