I'm not weak I promise pt. 1

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Peters POV

I'm not weak, I promise.

Sometimes I get hurt, sometimes I can't get out of bed in the morning, sometimes I can't stomach food, but that doesn't mean I am weak right? Who am I kidding I'm weak, I'm the weakest person on the team. Everyone else just thinks I'm some weak kid who can't handle himself. The only reason I'm even here is because I was bit by a spider and am kinda smart.

No one wants me. I don't even want myself. I'm weak. I don't sleep. I don't eat. I've pushed away everyone who has tried to get close, I couldn't bear to see Ned or MJ or even Tony and the avengers affected by my Parker luck.

The moment May died, I swore I'd never let any get close to me, I never want that to ever happen again. I was too weak to stop anyone dying. Now I'm too weak to stop myself from dying.

But, hey, what's the point anyways.

The world doesn't need Peter Parker. It likes Spider-Man, but then again.. they have the avengers, or 'earth's mightiest heroes' they don't need a weak teenager scrounging around after them.

'Peter, sorry to interrupt, but Mr Stark has requested you to come downstairs and attend a mission with him and the team.' Wait what oh my gods.

'Uh yeah tell him I'm on my way down' I couldn't even try to hide my excitement!

I got my suit on and tripped during the process, but managed to get it on in record time. I ran downstairs and just as I got to the door I remembered that I needed to be professional or they would hate me more than they already do.

I walked in and suddenly all eyes were on me, I felt the blood drain out of my face. Why were they all looking at me, did I do something, is it because I'm too skinny? I mean I haven't been eating a lot, but hey, I don't want to bother them and cause them to waste money, I know mr starks a billionaire but money means something to him too right?

"-eter? Peter? Are you listening to me?" I realised I had been standing there for too long and every one was giving me confused looks. I looked to see who spoke, it was Steve and he didn't look pleased with me.

"Oh, I uh- yeah. I'm sorry mr Rogers sir. I'll pay more attention" I looked down at my mask in my hands, I fiddled with it a bit. Was the ask worth the worry or the stress? Not that anyone would be stressed about me getting hurt, I can't let them see me weak, it's not worth their trouble.

"It's ok kid, we're going to the quinjet now, we'll go over the plan again once we're there" he looked away from me and towards the rest of the team, "alright then, let's go avengers"

Everyone stood up and left the room and walked towards the prepared quintet on the helipad at the avengers compound. I was walking as calm as i could when really what was going on inside my head was anything but calm. My thoughts swam around in an uneven mixture of excitement and anxiety.

Excitement because well i was going on a mission with the avengers for god's sakes! But the excitement slowly died down and was replaced with intense anxiety as I boarded the quinjet. I walked past tony and he gave me a suspicious look, the kind of look that said either I don't trust you or we'll talk about this later and honestly it could have been both.

I didn't know and really didn't want to find out.

I walked past him with my head down and went to the back of the quinjet trying to stay out of the way. It's not like they needed me, Mr Stark didn't even want me there, he probably didn't want me roaming around the billion dollar compound alone.

I could almost hear the reasons he convinced Steve to let me come. 'He is a kid for crying out loud!' 'I wouldn't trust him to clean the dishes without breaking something.' He's gonna mess up everything either way, why not just supervise it so we can minimise damage?' 'Dear gods he's so annoying and weak let's just hope we can get rid of him'

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2020 ⏰

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