you wont see me

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We were sitting in the hospital by our husbands bed. Ringo and I were holding his hands. John had a bandage rapped our his head covering his eyes. We still didn't know what was wrong but we knew it was most likely something to do with his eyes. we were in a car accident a few hours before and John was hurt the worst of us and he was in a medically induced coma.

"I'm scared" George muttered under his breath "were all scared Darling" I said patting him on the shoulder. And that was true we were all terrified that our husband would die.

"What do you think is wrong?" Ringo ask looking at John carefully "I don't know, I'm wondering will our happy poly life ever be the same" I said brushing some hair out of Georges face. "I hope he'll be ok" George said almost crying. as I looked at John I had a strange feeling that he wouldn't ever see any of us again, but he wouldn't have died. 

a few hours later the doctor walked in checked John's vitals witch were stable and he was most likely going to be alright. "what's wrong Dr.?" I asked horribly concerned "he'll be ok. but he is going to be well I'm going to put this bluntly, he's going to be blind" he said. George and I busted into tears and the Dr. left the room. Ringo was comforting us but it wasn't helping. and I knew my gut was right.

"I-I c-can't b-believe I-it" I stuttered out. Ringo was rubbing my back. I didn't understand why this would happen to normal people like us.

I just wanted to hear John laugh again. His laugh was contagious, it could make the coldest of people laugh. But yet here we were in a hospital waiting for him to wake up blind.

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