N-Name reveal

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Why did I stutter?! Omg. Anywayssssss,
As I promise you all, I'm gonna tell my name! I don't  wanna make a face reveal....causeeee I'm ugly-

I'm gonna tell ONLY my name and not my father's!  I'm so srry but that's  private.!

I lives in Malaysia, At Negeri Sembilan.
I am Muslim.
And I speaking Malay.
My name is , Nurrizzah Hani.
Sooo, I take the ' Hani ' from my name and create it to be Hani-Sama16!

The 16, is because of my birthday.

16th August.

I......born in 2008.
So that's means I am 12 year old! Ehe...for a kid I am preetttyyy angsty and I like cute things such kittens! I like watching  Animes! And I like playyyyiing  O-T-O-M-E gamessss. Until now , I just played texting stories and Obey me! I dont plays yet, Mystic Messenger. But I know itsy lil information about the game.

Like- 707 and Elizabeth...and more!

Well...until this! I'm srry for not updating sooner! And I just dissapointed you with this chapter-  that is nit an update for this story.

Gomene!!!! Sayonaraaaa, anata!
14.10. 2020 published

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2020 ⏰

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