The Principals Office

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"Good morning everybody!" The teacher says while we are entering the classroom. I sit down at the back, so maybe no one will notice me. "Alright so today we will learn about some american history." "So the 4th of July 1776..." The words just disappeared as the only thing I could think about was Alexander, and that soon he might do something to me agian. "Jake!" I suddently wake up from my thoughts and stare at the teacher. "Could you tell me who our second president was again?" "Uhm..." I am completly clueless. "Ok then Jake, you can just leave the classroom and go to the principals office, because apparently you don't want to be here." I grab my books and walk to the door and leave. I walk trough the dusty old hallway which never gets cleaned and up the concrete stairs to the principals office. I knock on the door five times. The door opens and I hear someone talking. "Come in, Jake!" I slowly go in the room and close the door. "Hey, Jake! Why are you here today?" The principal always sounded like he was the strictest person in town. "Well, um.. my teacher, Ms. Adams told me I had to leave the classroom because I apparently didn't want to learn anything." I said embarassed. "Hm.. ok then" he said with a less aggresive voice. "You will get an F in history!" I gulped and I stared to sweat, my parents will not like this! "Ok". I said as I left the room. This was luckily the last class of the week, as it was Friday. I went back in to the classroom, everybody had already left, and took my bag and started to walk out of the building. I got pissed when I saw the bus had already left, and I had to walk the 3 miles home by foot. 

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