the son of the reaper and the maiden of the paradise

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name:jason harukei bloodedge





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personality:nice,caring protetive,lazy,chill,caring,an little serious,funny,an little hot head,

likes;naps,spend time with his family and friends,quite places,food,sleep,

dislikes;evil people,assholes,ghosts{most for his father fear},someone bother him,terumi,yukari{he doesn't hate her too much is just her attitued and tease to toward him}be tease,idiots


soul aramasa

is an sword jason create base his father weapon it was made by seither and aura from his mother,this weapon is deadly agaist youkais and spirits but olso dangerous to humans as well olso jason can put more energy to make the weapon more powerful 

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is an sword jason create base his father weapon it was made by seither and aura from his mother,this weapon is deadly agaist youkais and spirits but olso dangerous to humans as well olso jason can put more energy to make the weapon more powerful 

purification nagitata

this weapon is base to his mother purification rod,this weapon is deadly agaist youkais and spirits,but it have an blade as well to hurt human beings olso jason can fuse his powers to made the blade full of seither increase the damage even more

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this weapon is base to his mother purification rod,this weapon is deadly agaist youkais and spirits,but it have an blade as well to hurt human beings olso jason can fuse his powers to made the blade full of seither increase the damage even more

ying yang orb:is an orb an form of the ying and yang symbol,jason can use an shield o as weapon to lauch toward his opponets,this is deadly toward youkai and spirits and make damage toward humans but is less


seither control:jason control seither on the airit allow to turn his body parts into parts of the black beast,olso can use setiher on his attacks

aura control:thanks to reimu jason can control the aura to make barried on his body,oh increase his abilities futher but can't hold it for long 3 minutes maximun

ability to float:this learn from his mother the problem his is still new an that matter soo he can fly an short distance,but he can make big jumps of long distance and high speed

powers of the harukei shrine maiden:thanks to his mother bloodeline jason can use the powers the power of the harukei shrine maiden but only an part since the power the black beast is with him cancel most his abilities,olso his mother train him an that aspect

between the ablities are,youkia extermination techniques,blessings{this one is low and there are chances he fail since is not very an faith person} invoking Gensokyo 's native gods{this one get haft of effect since the barried between worlds olso jason can invoking the spirit of the black beast but this one is hard to make olso since he have the soul of the black beast he can invoking the dark gods as well}

barried techniques:thanks to his mother training  jason can form barrieds powerful enough to take deadly blows  Among his techniques are barriers that explode, push enemies jimseft, or act as portals for his other attacks

extreme good luck:thanks to reimu bleesing jason is extreme lucky with anything in and outside of combat is powerful enough not even enemies who give bad luck can't do anything to him


expert an combat

expert an elimation of youkais and spirits

expert an magic and aura control

swordmaster and expert user of naginata

ragna's abilities

haft of reimu's abilites

extreme luck

seither control

high enduranced

high speed



father:ragna the bloodedge

father:ragna the bloodedge

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mother:reimu harukei

mother:reimu harukei

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dark maiden reaper of paraside

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