Drew Tanaka

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So I am sick and tried of all of this slander against Drew. I refuse to admit that she is a 2D character that only exists for Pipers growth. If no one else was going to give her a cohesive story that humanizes her and explains her actions, then I guess I will.


You arrive at camp half-blood, unsure of what happened to your father. You are cut and bruised from the fight you just had with, what that really a monster?

You get patched up and sent to live in an overcrowded cabin. You stay there until one day when you are helping out at the infirmary and realize you are able to inexplicably calm patents down with your voice. 

You are then claimed by Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty. You meet your new siblings, and are a little scared when you realize that you are the only one who has a power with your voice.

Your older sister Selina tells you that you are just special, and that one day you will find the reason you were blessed with this gift. She is the only one who treats you nicely at first, your other siblings are scared that you will make them do terrible things with your voice. Can you even do that? But Selina tells you it's a blessing and that it makes you special.

You and Selina get very close, and you trust her with your life. She is everything to you. Eventually she becomes head of the cabin, and you are proud of her. 

You wait and wait for a quest, I mean you were given this gift for a reason right? But no quest ever comes. You begin to think the Aphrodite cabin isn't taken seriously enough. 

One day you are flying Pegasi with Selina. She is the best there is. As she goes ahead of you, and laughing you say "wait for me!"

Too late you realize the power in your words as her Pegasus stops in midair, and then they start to fall. They land in the lake and are taken to the infirmary. 

You stay by her bed all night, scared to speak, scared of your own voice and what it can do. There is just silence, with the exception of one Apollo camper occasionally coming in to check on people. That is until a young demigod that arrived recently sits bolt upright in his cot and starts panicking. No one else in awake in here so you go over and try to help him. The poor boy couldn't have been older than 10, and is mumbling about his sister. You tell him to breathe, and to believe it will all be okay. He is able to calm down and go back to sleep.

You go back to Selinas cot when you see the Apollo camper standing at the door looking impressed and they say that they would love it if you would help out in the infirmary. Wanting to use your power to help people you agree.

The Apollo healers understand not being respected because your talents aren't swinging a sword.

Time passes and one night a sibling of yours comes back crying and says that she's completed the Aphrodite rite of passage. It is explained to you that to be a true child of Aphrodite you need to make someone fall in love with you and then break their heart. You think that it sounds terrible to do, but maybe by doing that you can get your siblings to treat you normally. 

Very soon after Michael Yew asks you out on a date. He is short and not so attractive, but he seems to like you so you decide to go for it. He gets you these amazing gifts, and sings to you. Soon you are not sure if you are just pretending to love him.

Scared you go to the only sibling of yours you can trust, Selina, and cry about how much Michael means to you. She comforts you and says that the rite of passage is a stupid thing anyway and that she will officially get rid of it for you.

When she tells the cabin about getting rid of it, she doesn't mention you. You are thankful that your siblings don't have another reason to treat you as an outcast.

You and Michael keep seeing each other, and it's amazing. The only bad thing is that you are scared to tell the camp because you don't want your siblings to know that Selina got rid of the rite of passage for you. 

When you are with your siblings you say that quests are stupid and lame in an attempt to fit in and hide your own disappointment about not getting one. But with Michael you can tell him anything. He really gets you and when you talk about wanting to go on a quest, he supports you. He even hopes that he would be able to tag along in order to spend more time with you.

You support him though the death of his brother Lee, and worry about him being expected to be head counselor.

Selina starts talking to you about being the next head of the cabin. She will be going to college soon and you are honored that she would want you to be next. She talks about how Aphrodite is about being loving, and spending beauty, not just superficial looks. She also talks about how she has fallen in love too, with Charlie.

You talk more with Michael. Both of you decide that once you are head counselor you will go public with the relationship. You cannot wait for everyone to see how happy you are together. 

You comfort Selina when Charlie dies, needing to charmspeak her to eat and sleep. You try to run the cabin for her, but can't ignore the small part of you that wonders if his death has anything to do with the rite of passage.

You follow Selina into the battle of Manhattan. When you notice your position isn't really being attacked you ask her if the cabin should move. You are scared for Michael, reports say that the Apollo cabin is getting hit badly, and you want to try and help. Selina is adamant that everyone stays here. You trust her and don't fight it. 

Then she leaves to go try to get the ares cabin to fight and leaves you in charge. You ask about Michael but she looks away, and leaves on her Pegasus. 

You take that as an answer. As you cry you can feel the judgment of your siblings. They don't know why you are crying and assume you just can't handle the pressure. You need to try to compose yourself and be a leader for your siblings. The rite of passage still looms over your head, like a broken promise. 

You learn about a spy, and blame your anger on them for targeting the Apollo cabin when this cabin would have been a much easier target. Then you stop yourself, as much as you love Michael you don't want any harm to come to your siblings, especially Selina. 

You manage to get though the next day and keep you cabin together. You hear news that the Ares cabin had arrived, and you are so glad. You need Selina to be here with you to help you with the loss of Michael, I mean she went though a lot with Charlie and could probably help you.

Soon, you receive word that Selina is dead. Heartbroken you try to realize what that means. 

Then you hear that she was the spy. 

It is as if everything you knew was a lie. But looking back you believe it. She always was sneaking  out or asking questions. 

Then a terrible thought passes though your mind. She was the one responsible for targeting the Apollo cabin. She knew how much Michael meant to you, but did that anyway. She was responsible for Charlies death as well. She betrayed him? She betrayed the whole camp?

You were there for her when Charlie died, but it was all a lie. Not only did she cause his death, but caused the love of your life to die too. 

Fuming, you can only think of one word to describe your sister who you used to look up to.


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