History repeats itself

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After the war you don't know what to do. Silena has left you in an impossible spot. You cannot live up to what people expected from Silena. You are not as good at riding pegasi. She you try to resolve conflicts no one trusts you because they think you are controlling them with your Charmspeak. 

At the same time you have to be different. No one says it but you know that you have to be different from her. You have to prove that you are not a traitor. You need to present yourself in a way that proves to them you are different from Silena. You have to forget everything that Silena taught you, it is all tainted by her betrayal.

At the same time the Aphrodite rite of passage is still overing over you. You worry. You and Silena were the only ones who refused to do it, and both of you ended up having dead boyfriends. 

Reinstating the rite of passage would not only prove that you are different from Silena, but it would protect your sibling from losing someone they really love. 

You also really need to sell the idea that what Silena did was evil, so that way they know you are not going to betray the camp like her. Also it will get people to stop comparing you two, because you know you can never live up to it.

You cope like this for a few months, still shaken up from Michael and Silena death. You use makeup as your armor, and cut down others with your words.

This all changes when you met a new halfblood. You can't quite put your finger on it, but there is something wrong with Piper. 

She has a cute guy with her, so you put on your best facade and try to move on. After all, since you brought the Rite of passage back, it is only fair for you to demonstrate it first. No one else in the cabin knows about Michael, so they don't know what you've already been though. Besides, it would be better to break this boys heart, who you don't even know, then to hurt someone else at camp who you've spent years with. 

Later at the campfire the oracle gives a prophecy. You hear 'the forge and dove shall break the cage' and immediately pay attention. Could this be the quest you've been waiting for? You know no other child of Aphrodite aka the dove would want to go.

You volunteer yourself for the quest, ignoring your sibling who was talking about times that you said they were stupid out of annoyance that you never got one. 

This is it. This is why you were blessed with charmspeak. You will go on this quest and show how powerful you are, and that the Aphrodite cabin can be trusted. 

But then Piper stands up. She talks about how she needs to go on the quest instead. You try to fight for your place, but recognize the power in her voice. No. It can't be. 

She is claimed by Aphrodite, and you last chance at a quest is taken away from you. Not only does she take your quest but you begin to realize that your gift wasn't as special as it once was.

Maybe you were a bit petty after that. I mean she is taking your quest, your power, and when you talk about Silena being a traitor something doesn't sit right. You are terrified that she will betray the others on this quest. You cannot talk to anyone about it, because people already trust this new girl more than you.

During their quest, you try to keep moving on. Manage your cabin, and keep everyone in line. You try not to think about Piper betraying the quest, that would only lead to more hatred of your cabin.

After a few days Piper returns. Sure she is standing on your food, but part of you is relieved that you tuned out to be wrong and she didn't betray the quest. 

But then the next morning she holds a knife to your neck and challenges you for the cabin. What does she think she is doing? She has only known she was a half-blood for about 5 days, and been at camp for only 2 (if that). But looking around the room you see that most of your cabin mates are excited, and on her side. You step down, giving up on this cabin. 

You see so much of Silena in Piper, and it scares you.   

You worry about the similarities, and worry about that boy. If Piper McLean was Silena, then that would mean Jason...

You don't want to think about it.

You can only hope Jason is different.

Because, like Charlie, Jason Grace deserves more than sacrificing himself to save his friends on an enemy ship.


Thank you for taking the time to read this, although I'm not the best writer, and it's kinda a weird format. I did come up with pretty much everything in here, although I have seen others who think similarly so I'm not claiming anything. If you want to use any ideas from this, please feel free. You don't have to credit me or anything, I just kinda wanted to get my ideas out there. However if you do use any of the ideas or write something similar, please comment on this or message me because I'll really want to read it!

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