Chapter 2

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So..... Natasha won the match. But I wasn't a bad sport about it.

When we were finished, I congratulated her, and she told me that she was impressed. I guess I had held out longer than she expected.

"Alright! Time for tug-a-war!" I think we all groaned when Jack yelled that.

"I thought you wouldv'e forgotten..." I mumbled, walking past him. I could basically feel him smirking.

"Nope... I never forget things."

" just remember the things you want to." Blake scoffed. Backing up, Jack spread his arms out in an innocent gesture.

"It's a technique called 'selective rememberance.'" I rolled my eyes.

"Fine! Come on. Where'd the freaking rope go? If we can't find it, we can't pla--" He pulled it out of...nowhere. Just....pulled it out.

"Where...did you get..." I trailed off, seeing Blake shake his head.

"Ok! Who's on who's team?" Jack asked. Natasha caught my eye and smirked. I think I knew what she was thinking....but I wasn't sure.......

"How about girls versus boys?" She suggested. Yeah, we were thinking the same thing.

I swear, the same expression crossed all of the boy's faces. 


"Uh...Are you sure? I mean.... 2 girls against 4 boys? That's unfair. And you're girls...." Worst mistake Jack has ever done.

"You sexist bastard."

"This girl can shove your arm up your--" These statements left Natasha and I's mouths at the same time. Of course the last one was from Natasha, and unfortunately Steve interrupted her before she could finish it.

"OK!! How about you, Peter, go help them." I think... I growled. I think.

'Don't worry, Audry. One day we'll show them. It's better that we show them instead of telling them." She raised an eyebrow and smirked. I nudged her as an agreement.

"Are you ready?" I had just noticed that Steve, Jack, and Blake had already picked up the rope and were waiting on us.

I bent down and picked up the rope, Natasha and Peter doing the same.

"GO!" The opposing side instantly started pulling, catching our side off guard.

Luckily we all had fast reflexes, and we all dug our feet into the ground. know what I mean.

It was a challenege, because the other side had a super soldier on their side...but that didn't mean anything. We could still take them.

It seemed that we were about to win, too! But knowing Jack....he was planning something.

Even though I knew that he was planning something, I was still surprised by it. And it was a a classic prank, too!

As we pulled the rope further to our side, the other side just let it go.

They. Let. The. Rope. Go.

That resulted in our side not expecting it and continue pulling on the rope, making us all fall.

Ok. Natasha was in front. I was second, and then Peter was behind me.

So...we fell back. Natasha somehow fell to the side, while I fell back....and right onto Peter.

His arms wound around my waist as my back was to his front...and it was.....awkward.

"Sorry!" He quickly let go, and I hopped up, dusting myself off. I held out a hand to help him up.

When he was standing, I turned to see everyone staring at us with curious eyes.

To be honest... I didn't like the attention.

"You cheating bastard!" I pointed my finger at Jake's face, and out came an ice shard.

But he unfortunately moved to the side.

"Bad Audry. You wanna go?" He asked. I smiled at him. This was normal behavior for us.

Whenever we got in an argument, we...sometimes settled it verbally. Rarely.

"Before you two tear each other into shreds, I can't believe we didn't ask you what your powers were." Steve said.

"Oh! Of course! Levitation." Blake answered, lifting a weight in the corner for demonstration.

"I'll just show you mine." And with that, Jake changed into a lion and came at me.


I'm so sorry!! I haven't updated in a while...well here it is!!! I'm so sorrrrrrrrrrry! Please forgive me!!!!

BTW! I'm making another "Transformers" fanfiction. The last one didn't...go well. I deleted it after 3 chapters. But for this one... I'll try to continue it! Please check it out! It's called "Hidden."

P.S. I'm so excited and I needed to tell you all.......................................................................................................................................I HEARD THAT ANDREW AND EMMA ARE ENGAGED. NOWWW......I DON'T KNOW IF THIS IS TRUE...BUT I AM SCREAMING AND CRYING AND RIPPING MY HAIR OUT ON THE INSIDE. Comment what you think.

ALSO! I saw that Andrew IS going to be playing Spider-Man next movie!!!!!!!!

ANDD......I'm getting a dog IF....if my parents buy the house that we are in now. It's a husky! We have discussed it! I LOVE YOU ALLLLL BAAIIII

Pic to the side or above .....depends on what you're reading this on.


QOTD: What would you do if you met your twin?

My answer: I would probably.....stare at her. Or maybe it could be a him...I don't know. But I'll probably- FLIP THE TABLE. Jk. I'd be really happy.

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