Chapter 3

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I had made up my mind, I picked up the knife and stabbed it into my chest. I felt no pain, it was just numb. I felt myself fall to the ground and the world got quite, just before I passed out I saw a pair of black shoes running towards me. 


I woke up and slowly opened my eyes, blinking to try and adjust to the light. I slowly sat up, there was a horrible pain in my chest and my head hurt. I looked around, I was in a smallish hospital room. A woman came into the room flowed by a man that looked like he was homeless. "Hello, my name is Dr. Smith. I will be taking care of you." the woman said as she gave me a warm simile, "do you remember what happened?" she asked clearly thinking that someone else had hurt me. "Y-yes," I said shakily, "can you tell us? "she questioned. I explained what happened to the doctor and the homeless man, by the time I was done I was crying. My story had clearly upset them both "Can you tell us your father's name?" the homeless man said stepping closer to the bed. "W-why?" I asked the man, " my name is Mr. Aizawa, I'm a pro hero. I'm here to help you" he said "y-you don't look like a h-hero, but i believe y-you" i said back to him, "my d-daddy's name is Hisashi m-Midoriya" i stuttered. I'm crying even harder now and my whole body is shaking ,The pro hero wrapped me in a surprisingly warm hug.

The next day I was still in the hospital, I stared at the ceiling thinking about what happened. I spaced out for a while, I was pulled back into the real world by someone coming into the room. I looked up, it was Mr. Aizawa. "Hello Izuku," he said to me "how are you?" he asked "b-better, w-why are you hear?" i inquired "i was worried about you" he said with a small awkward smile. "y-You care?" i said with a confused expiration "heh.. i guess i do" he said laughing slightly. "I brought some things for you to do," he said, pulling some books and a pack of cards from his bag. I looked at the books, he had bought one of my favorite books "thank you so much!!" i said bouncing up and down on the bed "take it easy i don't want you hurting yourself!" Mr. Aizawa said, trying to calm me down. After that day Mr. Aizawa visited every day and spent time with me, I got very attached to him.

3 weeks later

Dr. Smith says I can leave the hospital today, I don't know where I'm going to go after I get out. I can't go home to daddy and mommy's gone, thinking about what happened made me sad again. I was about to start crying when the door opened, Mr. Aizawa walked in, he made me happy again. "Hey Izuku" he said "hey!" i responded "how would you feel if i took care of you from now on?" i asked me "like a daddy?" i said "Shure, like a dad" Mr. Aizawa said "yes!! I want you to be my new daddy!!" i excitedly shouted "great" he said with a small but genuine smile.

3 years later

My alarm clock went off, forcing me to get up and turn it off. I went over to my desk where I had laid out my clothes, I put on my clothes and my shoes. It was my first day of middle school, after I was adopted by my dad he home schooled me, but now he has to teach actual class so this year I have to go to a real school. I picked up my bag and walked into the kitchen where my dad was cooking "hey dad," i said "hey kiddo, you ready for school?" he asked, setting a plate of food in front of me "yep! But are you sure you can't keep homeschooling me?" I asked hopefully. "Yes I'm sure, I know that I'm going to be teaching at UA I can't homeschool you, plus I have hero work at night." he said "your going to just have to toughing it out kiddo, sorry" he apologized "it's fine I'll survive" i jokingly responded making my dad laugh a bit. Beep beep beep my alarm went off telling me it was time to go to school, "shit" i scarfed down the rest of my breakfast and rushed out the door, "Bye dad!" I exclaimed as I ran out.

I arrived at school, it was a big private school that a lot of pro heroes and rich people's children go to. I walked through the gates, too caught up in my thoughts and nervousness to really pay attention. As I was walking in bumped into someone, I stumbled and fell on but. "Are you ok?" a silky voice asked, I looked up to see Shouto Todoroki son of pro hero Endeavor. My checks were instantly flushed with embarrassment "y-yep!" i say my nervous stutter coming back, "I-I'm s-sorry-for b-umping i-into y-you!" my stutter was getting worse. "You don't have to apologize'' Todoroki reassured me, "you're new here right?" he asked me "yeah.." i said back to him tell me what class you're in and i show you where it is" he told me extending a hand to help me up. "t-Thank you.. m-my first c-class is (insert class and room)" I nervously said, taking Todoroki's hand "mine too" he said looking at me with a comforting smile and pulling me up from the ground.

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