~I need your help!~

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Hi everyone! Sorry I haven't posted anything on here for a while and I'm truely sorry. I just started high school. Anyways. I'm planning on making a YouTube channel, and the first video I would like to post is "who knows Sans best?" I was hoping you wonderful people could give me questions for Sans to ask? If you do I will shout out your Wattpad and if you have a YouTube channel I would like you to put it in the comment with your questions.

I should probably explain my AU. So Sans and Paps are two unknown fallen humans. Both died and were saved by Gaster. They were both best friends and both had crushes on each other (yes, some people may say it's Incest. But it's not. They're not actually brothers, it's just everyone underground but Asgore and Gaster thought they were brothers because they were the only skeletons anyone could remember.) If you don't like it. Just don't watch. Now I think that's enough of me rambling. Please put your questions and next time I advance this story I will put a link to my channel and the video. Cya all!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2020 ⏰

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