Chapter 4

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After what happened the whole world decided to find the bodies and bury it in the Kanto region. It took only 3 days to find the bodies (that are fake) and send it to the place where they are getting buried.


There were a lot of people gathered all around the world even elite 4 and Champions were there. There were tears crying, sadness, and regret except for the traitors. They were very happy and proud that Ash is gone. Then come to the speeches, all of the champion, traitors, and their friend gave their speech but the saddest part was May's speech. She was in tears the whole speech saying she won't forget their adventures together. The same goes for Hilda's speech to her and Kyle's adventure.

(With the brothers)

They were back at Mt. Silver training still thinking if they made the right decision. Ash then said," Can you now teach me how to control my aura?"

"Sure Why not" Kyle shrugged as they begin to start training their aura

(Back at the Present)

I missed him so much. May think as she walked down and seat at the couch looking sad.

"Hey sis... are you feeling ok?" said Max. He was worried that his sister will be lonely forever.

"Yeah I'm fine" May said still looking down.

Glaceon then appeared at may sitting at her lap. "You miss him so much don't you?" May said as Glaceon look at her and nodded.

 Yes May was so depressed her personality changed. She used to be very happy active but now she quit her pokemon coordining she became sad and depressed

(At Nuvema Town)

"Why do you have to leave me alone!!" Hilda cried aloud.

Rosa then entered Hilda's room and said" What happened?". She then seats beside Hilda and tried to comfort her.

"it's okay Hilda you still have me" Rosa said as she wiped the tears of Hilda.

"It's been 5 years without him and I didn't get to confess to him" Hilda said still sad and some tears are pouring.

"Don't worry it's gonna be fine" Rosa said as she makes Hilda go to sleep.

SHe stop doing pokemon battling, her pokemon were there for her but it wasn't enough for her to be happy. She always think of him everday nonstop.  

(Twinleaf Town)

She stop being a coordinator she got depressed at first then when she found Paul(he did not betrayed Ash) they started dating. It work she was back at action but still there was sadness in her. She, May & Hilda did some shopping together to have some bonding together. Then Paul ask if he could train alone for a moment. Dawn did not like the idea but still agreed.

(Lumiose City)

Bonnie was very sad that her idol is gone. She stayed in contact with Max and yes she has a big fat crush on Max(Fourthwheelshippings!!!). She was old enough to travel the first thing she did is to travel with Max.

May, Max, Rosa, Hilda, Dawn, and Bonnie always keep on contact even sometimes they visit each other and talk about their journeys. Even the Alolans keep in touch with them. They started to share a great bond with each other but there is still sadness in their heart. Yeah they don't know the betrayal. They even started to travel together

(1 month later)

They were done at their journey the Alolan's went back at their home while Max Bonnie May Hilda and Rosa stayed together. After the Alolans left they started to go back at their hotel. As they were walking back at their hotel they were chatting on what to do next.

(the next Day)

While Rosa and Max were watching TV they saw the news about the Pokemon Master League, everyone is required to join. As they heard that they immediately told everyone. When May and Hilda heard this they became sad and memories started to flash to them.

"C'mon let's join guys" Max said

"I don't think it's a good idea" Dawn replied.

"Why not?" Questioned Rosa.

Then Bonnie pointed at May and Hilda who were looking sad.

"I mean if you like we can join" Ask Max.

At May and Hilda finally comeback at their sense they said "Let's join". Dawn and Bonnie were shocked their friends' reaction but they still agreed. After that they contact the Alolan's and asked if they want to join they agreed. And by that they started to prepare for the upcoming Pokemon League that will take place next month on the Galar region.   

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