Chapter two, The Ground

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three days passed since the meeting and it was finally time to launch her pod when she got to the launch bay her mother and father were waiting for her along with Kane, Jaha, and a mechanic who must have fixed her pod.

"remember Clarke, once you land you must make contact with the Ark and let us know what the status of the planet is," Kane told her in his cold tone.

"got it"was all she could say in response not wanting to get on his bad side. She turned to her parents, her mother working on what looked like a bracelet and her father looking at her with pride in his eyes. She walked over to her father, feeling he had something to tell her.

"I'm so proud of you honey, not many would be able to do what you're doing," Jake told her with tears in his eyes, causing Clarke to tear up as well.

"Your gonna make me cry as well," Clarke said, tears falling from her eyes as her father engulfed her in a massive hug.

"Don't worry we won't be separated for long." He told her as they pulled away from their hug

"I know, stay safe dad." She said as the mechanic made some final adjustments to the pod.

"You to honey. Here I was gonna wait to give this to you but now is as good a time as ever. He said, taking off his watch and putting it on Clarke's right arm.

"I'll return this to you I promise." She promised, moving to hug him again. When they were separated she moved onto her mom, who was faring better than her father.

"Hold out your left wrist sweetie," Abigail said to her daughter, who did as told. "This will monitor your vitals while your down there and hopefully keep us up to date on your status."

"Clarke, it's time to go," Jaha said as he moved away from the pod to stand by Clarke.

"ok, I'm ready," she took a deep breath to calm her nerves as the mechanic walked over to where she was, a spacesuit in her hands. 

"Alright, you need to be wearing this when we launch you or you'll be dead by the time you touch the ground."

"How do I put this on?" Clarke asked the mechanic who rolled her eyes and helped Clarke into the suit. once her suit was on she was given the helmet and told to put it on before entering the pod. 

"all systems are ready we're clear to launch when your ready Clarke." 

"no turning back now," Clarke said to herself as she put the helmet on and began to step inside the pod.

"ok, Clarke there's a compartment under your seat which has enough rations to last a week, by then we should have everything we need and can point you to a fallout shelter that was ready for use and stocked with food before the war."

"T-minus 20 until launch!" jake called as everything began to power up, everyone leaving the launch bay as Clarke strapped into the cockpit. 

"listen Clarke I know we don't normally see eye to eye on things but know I appreciate what you're doing here, it won't be forgotten," Kane told her over the comm set in her helmet, she responded with a nod, not sure if he saw or not.

"Launching in 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, good luck kiddo, may we meet again." her father called over the comms. Almost immediately after her father called to her, the cargo bay doors opened, and her pod was launched towards the formerly known United States Of America. She was set to land near Mt.Weather, an old bunker that was stocked to the brim with food and preserved water, enough to last her decades at least, but once she started re-entering the planet's atmosphere her pod experienced a surge in turbulence, one of her parachutes failing and another breaking off halfway through her decent, leaving her with one parachute as she plummeted towards the planet, sparks flying from somewhere inside her pod, the last thing she heard was a loud boom before knocking her head against a safety bar, knocking her unconscious. 


Clarke was coming in and out of consciousness for god knows how long, but as she was finally waking up, she heard voices outside her pod, but she didn't recognize the language being spoken. 

"what is it, warrior?

"I do not know general, but it looks like pramhedas relic."

"General look its opening!

Clarke managed to open her pod, wincing at the sharp pain that shot through her arm and head, stumbling out only to fall when she touched the ground, her helmet already discarded in the pod.

"General, look she's a nightblood!"

"what?" Clarke barely managed, her voice hoarse and barely above a whisper from dehydration.

"grab her we will take her to nyko in tondc."

before Clarke could remember comprehend what was happening she was being lifted by two men who set her on a horse before she lost consciousness again.

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