2 Months Later

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BuZzZzZzZzZ. BuZzZzZzZzZ. I wake up to my phone vibrating on the bed next to me. Time to wake up for one last huzzah before graduation next week. I can't believe this is the last time I'll ever be walking the halls as a senior...it feels awesome, but also bittersweet. As sucky as most of my high school career was, things started to get so much better when we moved back home to Sandusky. Over the course of just a couple months, I reunited with my childhood best friend, met a few new people who are really great and made some incredible, incredible memories. I finally felt like I was living my true high school experience...and now it's all over. And I still haven't heard from ACAD, which is really concerning me. The pressure only increased when I found out Spencer got accepted a few weeks ago. He's pumped, but I think we're both anxious about what's going to happen with me. It would really freaking suck if we couldn't attend together.

I roll out of bed and walk over to my closet. I put on some black jeans and throw on a basic black t-shirt. I'm tempted to wear a hoodie, but decide I better be a little more stylin' so I put on the black and gray flannel I bought with Jess's gift card.

There's a knock on the door.

ISAAC: Can I come in?

I sigh.

"Yeah, Isaac."

He opens the door and walks into my room. He's looking really nice today, with a button-up shirt and ripped jeans. His newly-cut hair is styled nice, and he actually smells fresh. I'm still blown away by how much he's evolving.

"I dig the outfit!"

He smiles slightly.

ISAAC: Thanks.

There's a pause.

"So, um...did you need anything, or?"

ISAAC: Uh, no, just...wanted to say hey.

"Cool. Do you need a ride to school?"

ISAAC: No, Josh is picking me up.

"Ooooooh, Josh!"

He blushes.

ISAAC: Stop, he's just a friend.

"A very flirty friend."

ISAAC: He's not flirty! He's just nice!

"Whatever you say, dude. Hey, is your appointment today?"

ISAAC: Um, yep, right after school. Can you...not mention it to anyone? Please?

"Of course, but Isaac, it's nothing to be ashamed of. A lot of people go to therapy."

ISAAC: Not you.

"Tyler is pretty much my therapist. I just hate talking to strangers about my emotions and stuff, you know?"

ISAAC: You think I don't? That's exactly why I don't want to go. I'm terrified.

"You shouldn't be! Mom's been going to Dr. Hernandez for several weeks now and she really likes her!"

ISAAC: Can you at least come with me?

"Isaac, I can definitely come with you at some point and we can talk with her, but you need to go by yourself today."

ISAAC: Why? You don't even have to come in. Although I'd like it if you did.

I sigh.

"You know I would, but I can't. I've got my senior stuff and then Dakota and Spencer and I are hanging out later."

ISAAC: Okay...

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