Tag Fest Winners

212 13 28

Hello Everyone...!!!

Firstly thanks a lot for tagging your friends it helped us a lot

So let's Check who tagged the most

3rd is Confused_Soul_Kriya
Congratulations Kriya

Please tell us which book of yours you want to be in our " Tag Fest Winners " reading list

2nd is Behir_shrahir_love_

Please tell us which book of yours you want to be in our " Tag Fest Winners " reading list

And The 1st Ranker is Noya_avery

Thanks a lot for tagging so many ppl

Please tell us which book of yours you want to be in our " Tag Fest Winners " reading list
Which book's cover you want to be designed by us ???
( it can be a ongoing or a new book )

And those who participated will get a follow from this account

PS :- We are getting very very less entries for judges in every fandom
Without Judges judging your book is impossible kindly fill the form for judges if you can
Vaishnavi , Pranjal & Shruti

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