Chapter 2-First Day(Jayvya)

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Jayvya's POV

Ugh, I hate rainy days. To top it off on my list of Bad Things, it’s a Monday morning and we have to go school. My jerko of a brother Jaxun is sleeping facedown chewing half a hamburger and listening to songs at the same time. I flip him over so his face is facing upwards.

“Jaxun,” I say. I slap hard him across his face. No change.  Samyula comes in.

“What happened to him?”

“I dunno” I replied.

Samyula gave a sudden yell. “Mum! Dad! Jayvya killed Jaxon! Hurry!” Stuff her. The big jerky loud mouth.  Now she’s got me in trouble. For some reason the ‘that-I’m-not-sure-of-what-happened’ look that freaks me out always seems works on Mum and Dad.

“Samyula, Jaxun sleeps until he wakes up and that is 8am and both of you are going to come to the table as soon as you have brushed,”

Obviously Jaxun sleeps until he wakes up......

“Mum I'm just reading my book! I was just trying to get Jaxun to stop being so disgusting!”

“Honey, he is sleeping. He can’t bother you any more now go get dressed. You’ve got a big day today. It is your first day at your new school,” She said that like she actually owned the school or something.

Mum and Dad always move around. They say this is business and the have to move around because of jobs. Whenever Samyula picks up the courage to ask them how being a bank officer has anything to do with moving around, it is always the same “This is adult stuff that you aren’t supposed to know about”. But Jaxun and Adreean are practically adults. Personally I think it is fishy. Our parents are hiding something big.

We're finally in the car. Since Dad worked in the Ashbury Bank Federation and Mom worked for Redland Airways we are quite rich and have a chauffeur.

 We actually reached the school. It seemed like ages and ages.  Jaxun is the first to make friends (and girlfriends). All he has to do is step out of the car and a crowd of fans come running towards him. Adreean takes quite a few days to get his own entourage but has many people come and talk to him (mainly girls because he is probably the dreamiest boy in Ashbury). Samyula is pretty slow because of her shy but kind personality. What about me do you ask? The moment I step out of the car (After everyone follows my siblings) there is no one to introduce me to the school. There was board up on the top of the roof saying:


Or assassin hole most of the student body respectfully calls it. . When I finally reached my classroom, 67B, I get the most enjoyable and respectful greeting ever.

“Oi, what is your name girl! Come and introduce yourself. YOU’RE LATE!”

That was the closest I was gonna get with this teacher. On the blackboard you could not-so-clearly understand his messy writing.

Mr Rory    

   1. Do English assignment 2. Do not have fun 3. BE QUIET (shut up)

What a pleasant guy. He just totally made my day...

I started off with, “Hi, I am Jayvya and I am 13 years old-”

I got rudely cut off by a nerdy looking boy in the first row, “We know that, Jessica.”

“The name’s Jayvya”, I snapped back and continued giving the boy a quick glare, “I come from down south and I love music and reading but I hate having to do lots of homework.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2013 ⏰

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