Chapter One: I Dont Know Who You Are

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I looked out the window silently. This train ride would last forever. My family didn't want me to go. Well, they are glad I am taking an amazing opportunity, but they didn't want me leaving home for so long. I was going to London. I am from Paris, France. So I just took a train. I took a train everywhere, no matter where I was going. Sometimes I go on a train without even trying to go anywhere. It's just calming to me. Sitting alone in a small compartment with beautiful views. Reminds me of life before cars were invented. No, I wasn't alive then, but I always wish I was. Times seemed so much simpler and more enjoyable, not really having a care about where life was taking you, but you took the ride anyway. That's why I like trains. Taking a ride without knowing where you are going. Except for at this moment. I was on a train trying to go to London.

I got a crazy internship. I didn't even mean to get it, it just kind of happened. Back at home, I worked at a small shop. It wasn't really like any other clothing store you'd see. Normally I'd have to shop online to find the clothes I want because the ones at stores are too generic or just plain ugly. But the shop I worked at, it was perfect. Called "Honey-tops". I usually helped people find their style and what suits them and I helped choose what clothes go in the store. At least once a week we'd get a list of a bunch of items to decide what we want to sell and I got to help with that. One day, a customer walked in. I had no clue at the time that they were a fashion designer for big time celebrities. Well, they saw me and asked for my help and they found me, and I quote from the newspaper, "charismatic, tasteful, and young. She has a very bright future." Yeah. I was featured in the newspaper. The freaking newspaper! So the lady just gave me the opportunity to have an internship helping with outfits for celebrities and runways just like that. It's a miracle if you ask me. I never really thought about actually going into that field of business, but if a big time designer thinks I have a bright future in it, why let it pass? Oh, and she told me even my outfit that day was a good choice. That's a plus if you ask me.

So that's the story pretty much. Me, Honor May Artis, the girl who got an internship for knowing how to not dress like a homeless person, currently on a train, gazing at the pinkish sky as the moon starts to glow through the glass, hitting my face. Nighttime seemed to fall fast, slumber hitting me instantly. I forgot to call my parents like I promised I'd do at nine o'clock pm. I just so happened to dose off at eight. Just my luck.

I slept well if you were wondering. You probably don't care, but I thought I'd share for small talk. My eyes fluttered open at around three am. I shifted around in my seat, trying to get comfortable, but hissing when I tilted my neck. I must've slept on it the wrong way. I rolled my neck in circles while squinting my eyes from the soreness.

"Slept funny, yeah?" My head bolted up in front of me. Someone was there? They just barged in when I was sleeping? I could've been murdered!

There was a boy in front of me. Okay, scratch that last thought. He's too hot to be a murderer. Well, not hot, but cute. He looks like the kind of person to apologize to a bee after it stung him. Maybe it was a disguise and he really is a murderer. I mean, you never know who's gonna kill you--

"Yeah?" The boy said again, bringing me away from my killer thoughts.

I nodded and looked around nervously. After a few minutes of silence, besides the sound of my tapping foot and the train moving, I sighed. "Did you seriously come in here without asking as I was sleeping?" I asked, very confused.

The boy's cheeks went red and he looked....nervous? "Yeah, I'm really sorry about that. About an hour ago I boarded and all the other compartments were full, or they wouldn't let me in. I didn't mean to intrude."

"Well you kinda did. You could've woken me up you know. I'd rather be awake and know you are here than be asleep." I mumbled.

He nodded. "I'm sorry. You just looked really peaceful and I didn't wanna bother or scare you I guess."

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