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Levi POV
So does this mean I'm going out with eren

I don't understand

I don't understand loads

He really likes me

No one has ever cared for me like that

No one has even loved me

Wait no your over thinking things he just told you your what makes him happy and he kissed

And you kissed back

"Do you know your way back" eren asked me

I smirked

"You don't" I said

He looked strangely at me

"Follow me" I said

We started walking

"How do you know your way back so easily" he asked

"My old home I used to not live there for long periods of time for stupid reasons so I used to wonder around if I didn't know my way back I would have been lost so now everywhere I go I always know my way back" I said


Eren POV

we were walking for what felt like hours (ten minutes)

And we finally got home

We got through the door

And saw mikasa standing there looking disappointed

She went over to levi

"Where have you been you bunk off school and neither of you have been seen all night I nearly had the police looking out for you" she said

"It's no big deal" Levi said

"Yes it is I had to lie to doctor jaeger for you your in so much trouble you know" she said

"Your not my mum mikasa" Levi said

Levi stormed upstairs to our room

I was about to go after him


"Leave him I'll talk to him" mikasa said

I nodded

She followed him

Mikasa POV
I followed levi upstairs

I knocked on the door

"Go away" Levi shouted

I opened the door

He had tears in his eyes

"Did you not hear me" he then said

"What's happening to us" I said

He just looked at me

"A few weeks ago I was the person you told everything to and I told you everything and now we're keeping secrets from each other" I said

"That's how siblings work they have fights it doesn't mean they don't still care" he said

"No levi the reason we are fighting is because we care so much" I said

"What are you saying I should stop caring" he said

"No im saying that I don't think I can do this anymore even when I can't see you I feel like my hearts about to explode and I just don't think I can deal with another scare like that" I said

He just stared at me confused

"I'm going to live with my aunt who lives in Canada there's a great school there and you can call me when anything bad happens but I want you to stay here with eren because you might not want to admit it but I know you love him" I said

He was just frozen

A single tear fell from his cheek

I couldn't bare to see him like this so I left the room

I got my stuff

And I headed to the airport

But before I could leave

I had to ask eren something

I went over to eren

"Eren I want you to do something for me" I said

He nodded

"I want you to look after him if anything bad happens the second you call me I'm here i don't care if he just trips over to getting ran over you need to call me" I said

He nodded

I left the house

I want to start a new life a new start with no problems I want to put all that behind me

Eren POV
What's going on what was that about

I went to my room to see Levi

He was crying his eyes out

A true river of tears

"She's gone she's left me" he cried

I went over to him

He cried into my chest why I stroked his hair

Trying to comfort him

After that day nothing was the same





Goodbye mikasa hey everyone don't worry mikasa isn't completely gone I promise she'll return

when more shit happens to Levi

That is

Oof and oof {ereri} [depressed Levi x eren]Where stories live. Discover now