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Eren POV
I walked in the house still holding Levi

And the worst thing I could have seen right in front of me standing there

My father

"Dad" I said

He stared at me

"And where were you two and also what the hell is Levi wearing" he said

He was still in the skirt and cardigan I couldn't find his clothes

Levi was still asleep in my arms

I think something was wrong

He was breathing heavily

He was itching his neck

I put him on the sofa/couch whatever you lot call it

"Look I know this looks bad but we just Umm-"

Before I could finish the sentence

He rushed up to me and started looking at my eyes

"Bags and red eyes have you been taking drugs boy" he said

Shit he's a doctor

"Look dad it's not what-"

He was staring at Levi

Wait was he staring at the skirt

That's Umm weird

I feel like I should stop him

I find it a bit weird


"Shhhh" he went

"What" I said

"What can you hear" he said

I listened

All I could hear Was silence

"I can't hear anything" I said

"20 seconds ago levi was breathing heavily now he's not breathing at all" dad said rushed

Oh shit

We both rushed over to Levi

He really wasn't breathing

I'm not a medical expert so don't go "oh no you dont do that you do this" because i don't have many brain cells

"Give him mouth to mouth quickly" he screamed

That's awkward

I done as he said

I put my lips over his and held his nose

I breathed into his mouth and his chest rose

"Pump his chest and repeat hurry" my dad said

I put my hands on his chest

And pumped it

Then I repeated the first step

And the second

Over and over again

He wasn't waking

"Come on levi" I cried

I started to hold my hands together and beat his chest

I was in tears


"Wake up wake up wake up" I cried

"Son please he's gone"

"I refuse to believe that" I said

Oof and oof {ereri} [depressed Levi x eren]Where stories live. Discover now