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When I got back to the museum an hour later, I went straight to the Director's office to ask him if I could bring someone along. I knocked on his door, and he yelled, "Entrez!".

When I came in, he looked up and asked me, "Stella, what can I help you with?"

"I had a question about the gala tonight. I was wondering if I could bring a date, perhaps?".

"Who do you have in mind? That boy who always waits for you across the street at your lunch break?"


"I suppose, as long as you promise you won't be distracted from your job at the function tonight. Agreed?"

"Of course," I exclaimed, "Thank you!"

"Have a good day, Stella," he said as I hurried out the door to my workroom.

I stayed there for a couple more hours, checking up on the painting and it's shipping details to send back to the Gallery. When I wrapped that all up, I left, saying goodbye to Marguerite, who was in the hallway, and she greeted me as indifferently as always. 

Back at my hotel, I had laid out all the dresses I had brought in my luggage, which wasn't much, but I finally decided on an ankle-length black gown made of black chiffon and tulle. I thought Avellino would like it. He had an eye for expensive looking things. I rouged my lips and applied a little mascara, then curled my shoulder-length bob. At 7:40, I hopped on a tram back to the museum and got there a little before 8.

When I arrived, the Director greeted me.

"Stella, you look stellar," then laughed at his own joke. I laughed with him, then asked where I should stand during the night.

"You just be near the workroom, keep a watch and alert the guards if anyone suspicious is loitering or going in there. No one should. I've covered it up as I told you this afternoon, so it shouldn't appear to be of any importance to anyone but you".

"I understand, thanks!" and he left with a wave to talk with other guests.

I wandered through the hall where the party was. I saw I had a clear enough view of the workroom, where my painting was, which was closest to the front of the room and nestled in between several marble painting holders and a heavy tarp that blocked it from the view of anyone in the party. I drifted a little towards the center, moving to the music playing from the band and admiring the other women's dresses. I took a wine glass and cheese cube off a server's plate and walked around, looking to see if Avellino was here yet. Finally, at around 8:15, he showed up, wearing a black tuxedo. He didn't seem to spot me, so I waved at him, and he came over.

"Hey, baby," I said, "Isn't this great?"

He seemed sort of flustered, with none of the charm and poise I'd known him to have, but I marked it up to the big party, not the scene he'd usually be in.

"Yes, very nice, is it not?" he said uncomfortably.

We began to talk about nothing in particular, but every so often, Avellino would lift his head and check the time on the large clock hanging on the far wall.

"What are you waiting for?" I asked, and he quickly returned his attention to me.

"Nothing, I just wanted to see what time it was," he said, unconvincingly.

"Oh. I see", I murmured and moved on, figuring I shouldn't bother Avellino for continuously looking at something, as that's what I was doing to the door to the workroom. 

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