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A/N: This is the last chapter of part 1, enjoy!!!!!!! Part 2 coming soon! I will warn you, that's where most of the triggering content and angst is. Anyway, Enjoy!!!!! ~Alex



Jimin followed Tae into a prep room safe from cameras. His heart was racing. Tae pulled him to a corner.

"Jimin, I have to tell you something," he said.

Jimin looked up into Tae's eyes. "What is it?" he asked, incredibly nervous.

Tae took his hand, holding it like they always did, no fingers interlocked. But then he brought their hands to eye level, lacing their fingers. Their eyes locked, and Jimin found himself falling into Tae's eyes.

"I love you, no matter what the law says," Tae whispered.

Jimin's cheeks grew hot and he looked down, smiling. "I love you too."

He felt Tae's arm wrap around his waist gently. A finger hooked under his chin, guiding his face upwards.

"What if they find out?" Jimin's voice came out barely audible.

Tae smiled sadly. "I will be beside you...... Always," he repled, drawing closer.

Jimin felt Tae's breath on his lips and his eyes fluttered shut. Before he knew it, they were kissing. He was pulled against Tae's warm chest as the kiss deepened. He slid his arms around Tae's neck. The kiss was slow and intense. Jimin wanted to stay like that forever, making out with his lover. Tae's touch and passionate kissing was impossibly perfect.

Too soon, they pulled away. "Don't tell anyone, not even the band members. Not even if it's a dare. Promise?" Tae asked.

Jimin nodded. "And you promise you won't either?" he asked. Tae nodded.


Tae gave him a peck on the lips before going to sit down. Jimin sat in a nearby armchair.

"Someone's coming," Tae hissed. Jimin quickly grabbed a book and pretended to read. Then all the other members came in. That was close.

Too close.

The friends talked, but Jimin knew that what he and Tae had went much deeper than friendship. He knew that they would last.

No matter what.


Paradise in a Desert ~VMIN~ Book 1 of the Paradise TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now