Year 1 chapter 1 ~ New begginings ~

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Y/N Ravenclaw stared out her window in her bedroom her H/C hair flying around her from the wind coming in through her window. She looked out at the trees extremely excited about her first day at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry but also very nervous wondering what her parents would think if she didn't get into Ravenclaw.

Y/N was related to the well known Rowena Ravenclaw meaning both her parents grew up around knowing everything and being extremely smart etc. but Y/N was different than her family she was always the different one in her household. Even her little sister Stella who was three years younger than Y/N seemed to know where she belonged in Hogwarts. As she stared out her window her thoughts were broken when she heard her mother shout

Y/N immediately stood up taken by the sudden noise. She immediately looked down at her outfit and brushed herself off  getting to her cart that held all of her things. She then put her brown owl on top of her cart making her way downstairs to her family.

"It's okay Advika we're just going downstairs" she said to her owl. She had named the female owl this because it had meant unique and the name reminded her of herself.  As she walked downstairs she could already hear her eight year old sister bugging her parents

"But mummy why can't I go I mean I think I'm old enough I've grown over the summer, see!!" Stella raced over to Y/N standing beside her comparing herself to Y/N's height "see look I got taller!"

Y/N rolled her eyes at her sister "no you look the same size Stella, and if anything you grew an inch nothing much and plus your too young to go you'll get to go when your older" Y/N had said to her sister who stood there with her arms crossed she then turned to her mom and sighed. "Ugh fine" she said under her breath.

Y/N let out a chuckle

"Do you have everything Y/N?" Her father had told her. "Yes father we should get going" 

And with that they walked into the living room standing by the fireplace.
"Alright darling remember just put the powder in your hands and say the name Diagon ally you should then throw it up and you will be there before you know it!" Her mother said, her hands on the girls shoulder smiling down at her along with her father. They both took her in for a big hug. She could hear a small voice say "hey I want to hug her too after all she is my sister!" The voice came closer and hugged her from behind her mother laughing under her breath.

"Alright dear have fun and make good friends! Remember to write to us I want to hear everything! I know you'll do great in Ravenclaw!!" Her mother's words had made her throat tighten. Her father planted a kiss on her forehead and lightly told her to go towards the fireplace.

Y/N grabbed her cart and Advika's cage and made her way over to the fireplace. With one hand she grabbed the powder and lifted her head after taking a long look at the odd looking powder. She glanced back up at her family smiling and threw the powder into the air just as she said her final goodbyes.


She landed on a platform and followed all the things her parents had told her growing up, about what to do once you get to the platform. She searched for platform 9 3/4 until her eyes landed on 9 and next to a brick wall 10 she made sure no one was looking and ran towards it her eyes closed. When she opened them she saw many family's around her.

Y/N then looked behind her but was cut off as she heard a boy getting closer and closer all she could hear him say was "gosh women you call yourselves our mother" after that another voice said something she couldn't hear and with that Y/N smirked and begin to look behind her to see where the voice was coming from but as she did someone bumped into her knocking her over.

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