Year 1 chapter 2 ~ The Sorting Hat ~

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As we got off the boats that a big man named Hagrid had helped us on I started walking along to the big entrance to Hogwarts. When I looked at it before I could only see it from a distance but once I got a closer look at it the beauty of the castle had stunned me.

Next to me was Draco, standing alongside him was Crabbe and Goyle. As we entered the main hall we were led into a hallway and up some stairs when we stopped. A woman named ms.mcgonagall had started talking to us but I couldn't hear her with all the mumbling coming from Draco and the two boys beside him.

I'm trying to listen you roaches, shut up

I looked next to me to tell the boys who had constantly been talking to shut up and that I was trying to listen but instead was met by a boy crawling on the floor "Trevor!" The boy nudged his way through me to get to the front of the staircase.

I looked down to see a toad sitting on the staircase , the boy making his way down and grabbing him. I giggled at the boy and smirked, I looked up to notice the three boys were gone,I looked around searching through the crowd to see where Draco had gone. Once I spotted him I made my way towards him and shot him a confused look and stood by his side.

We were standing towards the front of the crowd when Mcgonagall had finished her speech and walked away. Draco was quick to act. "is it true then what there saying on the train, Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts."

That's the boy I had been talking to earlier, unfortunately he had already made friends with the weasleys and the Mudblood hermione Granger. Not that I didn't like her but father doesn't really associate with muggles... so why should I?

"This is Crabbe and Goyle, and I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy" he said stepping toward Harry his hand reached towards Harry as to shake his hand but Harry didn't take it. That was when I knew they wouldn't get along. My thoughts were crushed when a small laughing sound came from the red headed Weasley beside Harry, Ron Weasley

"Think my names funny do you?, no need to ask yours, red hair and a hand me down robe, you must be a Weasley" Draco said glaring at the boy, he then turned back to Harry, " you'll soon find out some Wizarding family's are better than others pottah you don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort, I can help you there" Draco said, I smirked to myself a bit impressed by my friends sudden change of attitude. "I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself thanks" Harry had said.

my mouth fell open and I giggled under my breath making sure no one heard. Draco stood there sort of shocked when Mcgonagall came back and tapped the boy on the shoulder he than walked back over to me and stood next to me. " hey are you ok?" I said while trying not to giggle.

He turned my way and gave me a cold glare, I glared back even worse than he had. His face softened slightly and mumbled under his breath "Im not in the mood Ravenclaw"

"I didn't need the attitude Malfoy"

He looked down at his feet and turned to me "whatever"

I rolled my eyes. Mcgonagall then approached the group of kids and lead us down the main hall. Kids where everywhere, in all different corners of the room. They had robes on just like us but they had different colored ties and robes to define their houses.

As I made my way down the hall I looked around at the older children staring at us, I lifted up my head to show I was confident and proud. Once we made it to the end of the room where all the teachers where standing Dumbledore the head master made a speech to the kids in the room.

Once he was done Mcgonagall explained about the sorting hat. "each of you is given a house, there are Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2020 ⏰

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