still ch.4 but part 2

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" How do I stop it?"
"I'm...fine...ben just ....go back t...o camp." Kenji said "No kenji I will not leave you alone and not in the dark if I have to I will stay here with you until morning." Ben said to kenji. "Fine just he...lp me ....up ... please ben." "No you need to stay still so I can wrap your arm." One minute later." I'm done with that." says Ben. "Umm thanks ben.... hey my breathing slowed... down a bit. Umm ben can I ask you something?" "go for it what's"*pulls ben on top of him so that ben is sitting on his legs* "what are you doing kenji I thought -" "shush be quite and don't move at all ben and I mean it!" Why can't I - *loud thuds and roaring go past* what was that it did not look like a dinosaur kenji do you know what it is? Oh no we have to get the group,amber and run, what why *gives ben a not the time look* ok let's go get the rest of the group.

Group pov: We see Ben and kenji running and amber gets up and then let's ben, kenji and it seems to be waiting for us so we get on then all of a sudden we feel the wind blowing against our faces then we stopped. Brooklyn just noticed that we were at the docks,then ben crawled under the docks to open a secret room big enough to fit us all of us but amber in it of course.

So kenji why did us have to run? I will tell you more about this later ben. *Looks for something sharp* this will be ok to use an umm guys stop staring at me.
WHAT are you trying do kenji! Fine I need to get this tracker out and smash it ok because the reason why I said run is because that was not a dinosaur it's half robot and also good at hiding so I need to get the tracker out.
Ten minutes after.... Ouch why did my father even put the tracker in my arm that I broke.

Part of ch.5
Oh hey bumpy what are you doing?*bumpy is pulling at his arm* hey stop pulling my *hears pop* did you just fix my arm thanks bumpy. Bumpy lays down a few minutes later and fall asleep she is laying by kenji.

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