Chapter Six:

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*Francis' POV*

I spun around quickly. Barely processing Arthur's words.

"Madly and hopelessly in love...with me?! No...there must be a mistake...Why would he love me of all people!?" I looked up at the young man just in time to see him begin to stumble. I rushed over and caught him before he hit the ground. I gently placed the back of my hand to his forehead. It was scalding.

"That's what it was...he was just delirious." I thought. "You simply can't afford to get your hopes up like that."

I carried the boy back over to the bed, and paged for the nurse. I stood up to leave the room, but not before leaning over to kiss Arthur on the forehead.

"Dormez bien , mon précieux Angleterre." I whispered to the shadows of the sterile room.

The Long Way Home (FrUk)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora