october 14th, 2020

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on this day (or night), i've actually almost felt like i was there.

now in the beginning of this book i already explained where i wanted to go and who i was and stuff.

how it went: for this time, i tried the raven method, which was actually almost pretty effective for me, i was really tired, but not extremely tired, i counted from 1 - 100, sometimes i felt like i was loosing my breath while counting, at some times i felt tingling sensations around the 90-100 mark, and afterwards, it really felt like i was there, but once i opened my eyes, i was still in my bed, but, i went to sleep & repeated affirmations like 'once i wake up, i will be in the naruto universe.' over and over.

thought i wasn't there when i woke up, i had dreams that i vividly remember, one including me almost waking up in my desired reality, it didn't look animated as i thought it would, however, it was still very much like animation, something like a really advanced form of cgi, the characters also looked realistic, but still had that charm of a pretty anime boy.... and another dream?.... we'll just not talk about it, it was pretty weird.

Desired Reality: My Personal Experiences Where stories live. Discover now