perv {5}

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His room was plain and boring you could say and taehyung's a type of  person who's more of a colourful one He Hates white painted rooms but what can he do repaint? Nah he's too lazy to do one so unpacking on the stuff will take him approximately 3 hour's so before a amount of ton shit work He's all into a warm and cosy Bath

"So your telling me I don't have a comfort room around my place?" The Brunette's irritation was the only thing revolving around his mind
"Yea and that's why I was suprised when you said you were our roomie"
Jungkook replied causally shrugging his shoulders
"You gotta be kidding me !? Where will I do my "private" stuff "
"For now you can use gukk's restroom" the blonde pointed out the room for him
Taehyung immediately scoffed at this "are you serious why him? Why can't I use your's" he quickly lifted his bottom lip and a frown to use his "puppy" trick over him but comon his luck sucks
"Nope" with that said the blonde left him
"You gotta be kidding me" cursing  under his breath now

'oh damn the tub's massive' he stared at it in aw tracing his finger along the edges of the tub
He soon started to fill the tub with Luke warm water with some drops of shampoo lazily letting his clothes slide of his smooth tan skin getting into the tub and slowly sinking into it

Jeongguk p.o.v
"Ah fuck it they are really had to add a porn ad in the game!?" he quickly  took his  gaze down to his pants to only find a  half boner  which is painfully causing him to hiss at it
The blonde annoyingly huffed not in the mood to jerk off any soon but the boner looked like it won't either clam down  he grabbed a jacket near way to cover his Bulge incase that his twin or the "manchild" notice's it

He is making his wayy to the washroom and unaware it's actually occupied
Surprisingly he found the door open he just rolled his eyes saying "kook you will never learn will ya?"
Jeongukk pushed door "......." 

Ho ho ho clif hanger ;)  sorry for the late update apparently I was dealing with the stupid insta algorithm which Actually sucks :)))

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