Chapter 4

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Beep, beep, beep, beep

Tines' alarm is going off.

"Ugggh, 7am... too early" I moan but eventually drag myself out of bed to get ready for class.
As I put my white shirt on I notice the amount of hickies I have on my neck.

"What, where did I get these from. Who did I mess around with last night" I say in a slight panic.
Memories from the night before rush back, Sarawat kissing me, him playing around my neck making me moan uncontrollably.

"Shiya, what have I done!?" I shout

Thankfully I have experience covering up hickies from all the previous girls, I continue getting ready praying no one notices them.

As I enter the cafeteria for breakfast my phone pings

Sarawat: Nice hickies

Shit, I clearly didn't cover them up well enough, what if my friends notice Tine thinks

Tine: Asshole! You did this to me

Sarawat: Sorry, I just really wanted to taste you. Plus you enjoyed it.

Sarawat was clearly not sorry, but he wasn't wrong. I did enjoy it, a lot.

Sarawat: Come over to my place tonight
Sarawat: For the group project

Shit, I forgot about the project.

"Are you texting the girl from the other night?" Fong asks

"Huh? Who?" I say back genuily curious as to who he was on about.

"Don't play dumb, the girl who gave you her number last night. You wrote it on your hand" Fong says as he points towards my hand

"Oh, right em, ye I am" I say.
Why on earth did I say that last night. I'm so screwed

Sarawat walks past our table, he looks at me and winks. That wink made me feel so weird, it gave me butterflies and made me feel so good.
Why was I feeling like this, I shouldn't feel like this, I don't understand any of it.

"What the fuck is the poof looking at, hes such a fucking creep" Ohm angrily says

"Why do you hate him so much, I don't think he's that bad" I said, instantly regretting it

"Why are you defending him Tine? Are you one of them? Is that why he winked at you?" Phuak adds

"Wh...what no, em I'm not one if them. And I don't think he winked at me, maybe he just had something in his eye" Shit, why did I say that, they're never going to let that go, fuck. I screwed up.

Tine: Why the fuck did you wink at me, now my friends are being dicks towards you and me!?

Sarawat: You can't say you didn't like the feeling you got when I did it. Plus if your friends are being dicks toward you, are they really your friends?

Tine: Fuck of!

I put my phone away now really annoyed by him but I just couldn't get him out if by head. The wink, the stares, the kiss, the hickies, the feelings. I didn't understand any of it.

After class Sarawat sent me his address.
I walk up to his apartment and knock on the door.

"Coming!" He shouts from inside

He opens the door and lets me in.
I walk in and I'm instantly hit with a lavender smell, there's music posters everywhere, his football kit along with the ball is lying on an armchair with his guitar leaning against the side of the chair.

"Would you like anything to drink?"he asks me when he was closing the door

"Just a water please, your place is really nice" I say

"Thanks, it's a little messy at the moment"  he tells me as he opens the fridge to get me a bottle of water.

He places the water next to me as I take out all of the papers we needed to study and go over for the project.
I can tell he really does not want to do this, and I can't blame him because I really don't want to either.

He asks me how my day was, and he actually starts small talk, which was a suprise because he never really does that.
We talk for hours about music, school, sports etc. The time flew by which never really happens when I'm with my friends. Sarawat was actually really nice and a genuily intersting guy. We didn't really get much done. When we finished talking it was already 8:30 and I knew I had to get home.

"I should probably get back to my place now, it's already late"

"I wanna show you something actually, follow me" he says as he stands up and walks out of the apartment with me following closely behind.

We have been walking in silence for around five minutes until I actually ask where we are going.

"Don't worry, we're almost there." He replies without looking back.

If you have any feedback please tell me, I would really appriciate it xx

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