:views on using mental health in books

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aight imma rant rq.
I'm sick of Wattpad writers portraying mental illness wrong. Then people come to my book and say that's to much lalala

stfu. please. to all the writers please do research before you write a book with mental illnesses.

I did research for one month before I wrote breathe.

im really about to delete breathe they really pissed me off.

so in my last chapter of breathe one of my characters tried to take her life. it's the reality of mental illness. The character has ocd, ptsd, anxiety, and depression. Google is free. 

People with ocd and ptsd are really self destructive. on top of that she has depression and anxiety. please stop playing with me. I will mute you.

Do research before you comment some ignorant shit. Mcht 😒

and I'm not posting Forgive me till next month🌚

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