The blerb

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Trigger warning⚠️: if you get easily triggered by spelling errors then you have been warned

Once upon a crime exists an app named
tumblr, tumblr radiate's so much energy that people want to take it as their own. The energy is called vibes and there are good vibes and bad vibes. Some people are blessed with the power of amazing vibes these people as a group are called a fam. But bad vibes caused by homophobes are seeking out the fam which is why the fam are only in a secret tumblr group chat so none of the homophobes can ever see them. But it's not only the fam that are like this, a lot of normal tumblr users are also hiding on tumblr only to get away from the bad vibes, forever waiting to show what there capable of.

Oh and in this story there are a few additional things: covid does not exist, money isn't a problem (aka we're not rich we just never run out of money) and most important, there is no logic

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