Chapter 1

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(Trigger warning⚠️: if you get easily triggered by spelling errors then you have been warned)

The day started like any other; with the kitchen on fire. "Aah fuck" Michael cryed as he noticed the table cloth caught on fire. He quickly ternd off the stove (where the fier started from) and Yeet the cloth into the sink.

Once Michael cleared up everything in the kitchen, he flopped onto his bed and questioned if the most excitement he really had was just the kitchen being on fire. Other than that he didn't have much excitement in his normal life. But there was one thing he could rely on to make him happy; and that was the fam. No matter how tuff Michael's day was he knew that the fam would make his day amazing. And today felt no different; the group chat was talking about sokka's hair being more hot down then up (wich Michael new was false). And how whenever we talked about are crushes Hannah would always say something along the lines of how cute Hamilton is.

After a while of jocking around the chat went in a mood of telling personal story's and life sinatios. Until one message popped up saying

"I wish I could just run away".

Everyone in the chat agreed until an idea came up. What's stopping us, we're all old enough to go out by are selves (except Karen but we'll just say we kidnapped her). So we started discussing the pro's and con's
Of what could happen if we ran away, and the only con was if we ran into a wild mark zuckerberg asking for are toes🤢. But even if that did happen it would only be 1 against 9 so nothing could stop us.

So It was final, we all decided to run away together. when Michael got hit with the news he instantly and fan girl'd all around his room.

When he calmed down and looked back in his phone, someone in chat asked "ok but, where are we gonna meet?". Karen replied with "oh how about somewhere in Europe '', that's when Michael knew exactly where they should go so said in chat "we should meet up at London ''. "Oh and we could have a road trip around Europe'' Beth excitedly said.

So the plan was set, we're gonna meet at London and have a road trip around Europe. Everyone was so excited that at least half the chat started packing up there things, so Michael decided to join in too.

He was looking around his room in search of things to take on his journey and discovered his sword in the back of his closet alongside his pride flag. He grabbed his backpack from underneath his bed; emptied everything inside of it and filled it up with a bundle of things.

Michael took with him:
Blanket and pillow
Water bottle
Spear set of clothes
A half eaten burrito
Pride flag

(How that all fits in his bag I've got no idea)

Michael placed the bag by the side of his bed eagerly thinking of what the day would be like.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2020 ⏰

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