Crowley headcanons

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yes i have an obsession but i think this is an obsession that doesn't hurt anyone

❥ Crowley has problems with abandonment, but had never told anyone
❥ Crowley is gender-fluid, constantly switching between genders because he's never been able to settle on one. Sometimes Crowley's female, sometimes Crowley's male, sometimes Crowley isn't on the spectrum at all!
❥ Technically, Crowley doesn't have to sleep, but he enjoys it, and tired more often than not
❥ Crowley is not disgusted by the process of eating, and will do it from time to time, but because of the whole thing with tempting Eve, he was cursed so everything he eats tastes like dust. Not literally, but most foods have little taste to Crowley, so he's never been able to enjoy them
❥ Completely and totally against gender norms, and raised Warlock to be against them as well
❥ Doesn't mind reading, but because snakes have problems focusing on one particular object or thing (look it up), he has problems reading and focusing on the page. He still tried to take up reading to impress Aziraphale, but Aziraphale started reading to him when he found out
❥ Crowley doesn't hate himself, because he can still finds a few things about himself he finds nice or admirable, but has never really liked himself either
❥ Suffers nightmares of his fall and the apocalypse-that-wasn't; usually deals with them alone because he doesn't like to worry Aziraphale
❥ It's easy to tell when Crowley's had a nightmare. He'll sometimes show up to the bookshop looking half-dead, but acts like nothing's wrong. However, there have been a few times where he's come in, sat down and said nothing, looking lost and on the verge of tears
❥ Surprisingly affectionate? Not physically most of the time but is always letting Aziraphale know he cares about him
❥ Genuinely believes he's unforgivable because of the fall, worried about what his influence has done to Aziraphale
❥ Insecure about his eyes; says they look evil. Aziraphale thinks they're pretty
❥ Likes to act like he doesn't give a shit but is quite the empath; constantly feeling guilty about stupid shit
❥ All the shit Aziraphale used to say about them not being friends and how he doesn't even like Crowley genuinely hurt, but he tries not to bring them up so Aziraphale doesn't feel guilty; sometimes worries Aziraphale was being truthful the whole time and Crowley is a burden
❥ Lonely; his loneliness and depression peaked at one point and he cried for days. He told Aziraphale he went to visit Adam and Anathema for a few days and wandered around. Adam and Anathema have denied this when Aziraphale asked but he's too nervous to ask Crowley about it
❥ Hates conflict; always makes him feel like shit about himself or just plain makes him mad
❥ Got piss drunk once and changed him name to "Anthony Janthony Crowley"
❥ S O U P
❥ One of those friends that preaches self-love but has trouble following by it
❥ Crowley is attracted to all people, regardless of gender or body-type. Body-type doesn't bother him because he has no human concepts of beauty and what makes a person physically attractive. He just likes people because they're, well, people. Gender doesn't bother him because Crowley is gender-fluid, and his attraction isn't bound to one gender or the other. He recognizes human concept of sex and gender, but he doesn't like it, so he doesn't abide by it.

❝ i'm constantly on the verge of tears ❞Where stories live. Discover now