Part 2

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Reekid pov:
I woke up from my alarm screeching at me. "Ugh" I slammed the stop button and dragged myself out of bed. Man I hate mornings I thought to myself I brushed my teeth and got dressed for the day.

Y/N pov:
My alarm went off i was still tired and didnt want to get up. I slammed my alarm and
procrastinated for about a minute, then finally woke up. Man what day is it? I checked my phone "HOLY CRAP ITS MONDAY!" It was my first day back to school, I remembered there was a new kid coming. I got up brushed my teeth and got dressed I walked down the stairs to see my mom making breakfast. "Ooo pancakes!" I say still tired but yet excited. I ate my breakfast and my mom took me to the bus stop. "Today's gonna be a good day!" I said with a happy smile while waiting for my bus.

Reekid pov:
God I hate school. I walked on the bus and sat on a free seat at the back of the bus. "I hate changing schools" I put on my headphones and looked out the window. Man I wish I was in the same school as Y/N...

Y/N pov:

My bus arrived I kissed my mom goodbye and got on the bus. "Heh w-where do I sit?" I said shy and confused "pick a seat that's where you'll be at for the rest of the year." The bus driver said with a attitude. "I'll just sit in the back like always" I didnt see a free seat so I sat next to a kid. He was looking at the window so I don't know if I new them. He looks at me "I kinda don't want to share a- Y/N?! Is that you?!" I look at him "Reekid?!" We share a passionate hug and talked the rest of the bus ride. "So you are the new kid?" I ask. "Yeah I am glad I am here with you! And we got to meet in person." He says with a smile while blushing. "I am too, I cant wait to show you around the school!" I said excited

Reekid pov:
I look at her beautiful eyes. She has a beautiful voice...I lean in and stop myself before I kissed her. "E-eh heh sorry-" I say awkwardly she hugs me, "it's ok Reekid☺️" Man she is so forgiving and loving I think I'm inlove...

A/N pov:
You both went to school and looked around you guys have the same teacher, you guys become closer until it got awkward-

Reekid x Reader Made By KamiWhere stories live. Discover now