part ??? "the Among us episode"

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Thank you so so much Unlode_cxo for this idea. It really helped me lol alrighty back to your story!😌💕

Y/N pov:

We log into our VR and josh desides we should do another Among Us episode soo we get our characters and of course-
'I am lime!" Yells Eddie "no I was like first!" Replies Juicy angrily. "Guys shut up just be pink Juicy." Says Josh annoyed. "B-but!" Says Juicy but gets cut off. "Nah! No buts!" Says Josh still annoyed" me reekid and mully start dieing of laughter then we get to the rest of the episode. "Don't be so...PINK Juicy" says Narrator. "..." Everyone went silent until Juicy and Josh take a fire gun (I forget the word pls exuse me) and start shooting it at Narrator "YOU GET WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVE!" me and reekid start dieing of laughter while mully was just watching.
(Skip to another scene in the episode from Reekids hentai)
"EMERGENCY MEETING!!! EMERGENCY!!!!!" Josh yells as he presses the button. "What?!" We all reply. "THERE ARE TWO IMPOSTERS AMONG US" juicy yells scared. "Who is it then?" Josh asks. "Can't be Reekid and Y/N. They are just playing with toys!" Says Narrator. "YOU MEAN MULLYS DEAD BODY?!" yells juicy. "Oh shit...well it still can't be Reekid and Y/N." Narrator says stupidly. "Hey guys!" Says smashing as he comes late to the meeting. "Hi smashing! Where where you?" Asks Eddie. "I think Eddie is the imposter." Says smashing and Josh. "WHAT?!" Eddie yells. "YEAHH he is sus. Let's vote him out." Says everyone. "I vote Eddie" says everyone. " Hey now Pendejo! You guys are stupid it's clearly Reekid and Y/N!" Yells Eddie as he is getting thrown off. "...welp...ITS JUICY! HE SUS HE CALLED THE MEETING!-"
(skip to the last skit from Kami's only braincell YEET)
Smashing's "girl" among us character comes in and messes with the boys while me and reekid where just watching. "BIG TITTIES!" yells reekid. I look at him "oh wait I have a girlfriend for that." States reekid as I blush. "THATS MY KID RIGHT THERE!" yells Narrator for the skit. Narrator runs over and starts to attack reekid. "AAAAAAA WAIT WAIT PLS SIR HAVE MERCY!!!" yells reekid as he runs.
"...welp...he is dead" says josh as he sips his coffee. "Nooo reekid!-" the video ends. It was a quick episode. I was still flustered from what reekid said. We all log off and we all start editing our video footage for our own videos. I don't have a youtube yet so I just go see reekid as he edits. "Hey babe can we cuddle?" I ask. "Of course! Come cuddle me as I edit!" I sit next to him and cuddle him. "You should make a youtube." He says as he finishes. "Really?" I ask. "Yeah!" He replys. "What should be my name then?" I ask as i sit up. "Hmm what about Y/N vr?" (Contains your nickname like my name would be Kami Vr. So yours would be your nickname) "it's simple yet good! I am gonna make it tomorrow!" I reply. We both go downstairs to the living room to see everyone there watching TV. We sit down and talk and goof around it was a nice night. Wonder what will happen once I make my YouTube channel. What will people think once they find out I'm Reekids girlfriend what about my mom? She still doesn't know. I haven't talked to her in a while too!


This was fun to make thank you Unlode_cxo for the idea! See you sometime soon! Also before you go I am working on a story connected to this story! It's a juicy x reader as you can tell Juicy has a secret girlfriend rn sooo yeah! There is my hint! If I don't state anything connected to that it will be in the other story! Alrighty you can go now have a nice day I hope you liked this chapter! Bub byyyeee💕💕

Reekid x Reader Made By KamiWhere stories live. Discover now