Little Black Dress

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It’s a Friday night. My younger sister is so excited because her favorite band is playing at a local showroom. Being that Tori is only 16, she isn’t allowed to go to the showroom without adult supervision, and after a long workweek, going to see One Direction is not my parents first priority.

“But Mo-oooom,” she whined, “you promised I could go and we don’t have much time at all. We HAVE to get there early so I can be in the front, I need to be in the front.”

“Tori, I told you MAYBE,” mom replied, “your dad and I have had a very long week and are tired. Maybe you can go another time.”

I can’t help but laugh at this point because my sister is going mental. Throwing a tantrum at 16, who knew that was even possible.

“Stop laughing! It’s not funny,” she said.

“You’re so dramatic, I mean seriously. It’s not the end of the world, they’re just a stupid boy band, really,” I said.

Bring on the waterworks.

“Mom aren’t you going to say something?!” Tori cried. She’s now whimpering.

“Stop being such a baby. Maybe this is why mom and dad don’t want to take you, cause you act like a fucking baby all the time. It’s a concert. There will be more in the future,” I said.

“Girls! That’s enough, I’ve had it with the two of you fighting constantly. You’re going to take your sister to this concert and I’m not hearing about it anymore,” my mom chimed in.

“This has got to be the biggest joke I’ve ever heard. I didn’t realize throwing tantrums forces me to have to go to a lame concert.”

I am so annoyed. This girl has got my mom wrapped around her finger and now I’m the one paying for it. What am I supposed to do at a One Direction concert? Why would I, a 19 year old, want to spend my Friday night with my little sister seeing some Backstreet Boy wannabe band? What the hell do I even wear to this show? Do I go casual? Dress? Birthday suit? I had to text my best friend Kelly.

Me: My mom’s forcing me to take Tori to the One Direction concert…

Kelly: Really? Ugh that sucks I’m sorry.

Me: Tell me about it! What do I even wear?

Kelly: Hmm, well considering the fact that PJ is gonna to be there I suggest something hot.

Pause. Why the HELL was PJ going to be there?!? Long story short. We dated for two years in high school and tried to make it work this past year during our first year in college. Needless to say, he said ti wasn't going to work, the distance and all. Then a few weeks later he started dating his new and improved Victoria’s secret model-looking girlfriend.

Me: WTF?! Please tell me you’re joking.

Kelly: Nope, Jess told me she bumped into him and Cara and she’s “a huge fan,” so he’s taking her.

Me: Omg, awesome! Can’t wait to see them both…talk about a fun reunion.

Kelly: Just ignore them and act like you’re having the time of your life, it’ll piss them both off.

Me: So true, you’re right. I’m going to wear my black dress and doll myself up, hopefully I’ll kill it.

Kelly: I know you will, get ‘em girl!

Joyous days! The boy I thought I’d spend the rest of my life with totally screwed me over and now I’m going to see him at a One Direction concert with my little sister…while he’s with Cara…ok breathe.

I threw on the dress and put my wedges on. I curled my hair and brushed them out to be light waves falling over my shoulders.

Looking in the mirror I can’t help but feel self-conscious. I have a million and one things running through my mind. A thousand different scenarios play in fast forward, and I can’t think of anything other than PJ and Cara. Do I say hi? Do I listen to Kelly and ignore them? This is not how I imagined this night would go.

Tori’s banging on my door. She is so prepared. From her 1D sparkly top to her One Direction bandana, oh and I can’t forget the sign that reads, “And I danced all night to the Best Band Ever!!!!” (emphasis on the four exclamation marks). Anyway, she insisted we arrive 2 hours early to secure her spot inside. I secretly want to get there early too just as badly because I want to see PJ and Cara, no matter how much it’ll hurt to see them together.

The car ride there was a One Direction concert alone. I don’t think I even needed to go inside anymore since I basically had heard every song they were going to play.

When we arrived, I saw the huge line outside. I told Tori to jump out of the car to save a spot on line while I parked. When I met up with her she looked like she was about to puke.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“Just really excited and nervous,” she replied.

The look in her eyes was something I had never seen before. Who was this band making my little sister go crazy over, almost to the point where she felt sick?

 I was about to find out.

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