Up All Night

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Me: Hey I don't think I'm going to make it. I'm super tired, maybe another night?

Jess: Aw girl come on, it's summer just come out!

Me: Can't I'm exhausted, I promise we'll catch up sooner than you know! Have fun!

I couldn't even process what that Harry encounter was. Who do I even tell about this? It all seemed like this bizarre dream. I couldn't even tell you about the drive home all I was thinking about was Harry. This boy I had just met that was so captivating, handsome, and sweet. This doesn't happen to normal people. You don't just meet someone and give them your number and walk way so casually. I mean if Tori only knew! She'd flip about the fact that Harry Styles, the Harry Styles, kissed my cheek AND got my phone number.

Of course, getting my phone number is one thing. Using it is a complete other thing. Would he ever call me? Call me, I mean really who does that anymore? It's all about texting. Will I get one, who knows. I certainly hope he'll text me. Why didn't I go have a drink with him and the boys. That was so dumb of me, I mean really.

I can't sleep so obviously there are a thousand and one things running through my head. Suprisingly, not one of them was about that awkward meeting with PJ and Cara. This Harry thing has got me all one track minded, and thank God!

I mean why would he text me, why would he say I'll be looking for you?! Like what! I'm Katie, a normal, regular, girl from a small suburban town in New York. Not some stylish, beautiful, perfect, person. Why would Harry want to even grab a drink with me. 

Holy crap brain take a Xanax and chill the fuck out. In through the nose out through the mouth.


A new message from an unknown number. Is this real even real. I am now a puddle of feelings. 

Harry: Hey it's Harry

Me: Hey what's up?

Harry: Having a drink with the lads, you should have come!

Me: I know I should have I was just thinking that haha

Why did I just say that! I'm so dumb he's definitely going to think I'm some weird obsessive person.

Harry: Oh yeah? Thinking about me I see ;)

Me: Shut up I only meant it cause I can't sleep, don't flatter yourself lol.

I'm being flirty. I hope he can tell. God technology can be a pain sometimes. 

Harry: Oh I see how it is :p I'm going to turn in for the night see you tomorrow?

Me: Of course.

Harry: Goodnight - H xx.

Needless to say I'm going to vomit. I have never felt butterflies like this. There has got to be a million in my stomach right now. I am so excited and nervous at the same time. Just like how Tori felt. I know how she felt tonight before the show now. This was it. 

My heart is racing. I feel like I just ran a marathon. Harry what have you done to me!

I thought I was never going to sleep before. Well I am never going to sleep now. I can't stop thinking about him. This has been the craziest events to ever happen to me. Meeting a celebrity, swapping numbers, texting, and now seeing each other a second time. What are the chances? Who gets this lucky? Certainly not me. It can't be real. I mean this should happen to Cara or Jess or someone beautiful and someone that's a huge fangirl.

Tonight may have been the first time I even found out who Harry Styles was, but I will guarantee that I will never forget that name.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Feb 12, 2015 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

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