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Finally inside and it is PACKED. I didn't even realize how many people actually liked this band. I just assumed they geared towards people Tori's age and Cara. I was wrong, completely. 

Tori was flipping out because she wasn't in the front.

"Can we please push through them?" she begged.

"Not a chance, we would never make it through that crowd," I replied.

Tori clearly was not happy about this but she got over it. I was scanning the crowd to see if I could find PJ. No sign of him. Maybe I won't be seeing him afer all. Maybe him and Cara didn't get inside in time before they shut the doors. 

Then, I heard it. The laugh that anyone who knows him would recognize. It was PJ. I turned around and there he was with Cara, and a few of our other friends from high school. This is it. I can either go right up to them and just get this over with, or I can hide out with Tori and never face them. I would love to say I chose option one, but sadly I stayed put and didn't want them to see me anymore. 

I wish I had never been forced to come. This is the worst thing to ever happen. Why did it have to be this concert? 

Finally the show was starting, the opening act was some no name indie-folk artist. She wasn't bad, but to be totally honest I was focusing more on how my ass looked in this dress. They were behind me after all. I mean maybe not directly behind, but the back side of me has to look decent. 

One Direction came onstage and everyone went crazy. There were so many little girls on their parents shoulders holding up signs. So many tweens and teens crying and screaming, Tori included. She was grabbing my wrist and shaking from excitement. It was surreal seeing how excited she was for these guys. 

"I'm Liam"

"I'm Niall"

"I'm Zayn"

"I'm Louis"

"I'm Harry, and we're One Direction"

They started to go through their setlist and I was really impressed. Of course I heard most of these songs before, but seeing htem live was a whole other experience. They were so passionate and they adored their fans. Plus, they were all extremely good looking. 

"Where can I find me one of those," I said to Tori, pointing to the curly haired one on stage.

"His names Harry Styles," she screamed in my ear.

Harry Styles. He was the one I couldn't keep my eyes off the whole night. The way he danced on stage and the way he would run his fingers through his hair was so sexy. He just had this "swag" that was so enticing. When he winked in the driection that I was standing I was convinced it was at me. I couldn't help from this point not to get into the music, and I felt myself beginning to dance with Tori. We were having a blast.


"Uh, hey."

It was PJ.


"How've you been?" he asked.

"Good, fine, glad it's summer."

"Nice to hear. Hey listen I don't want there to be any bad blood between us. I know we have the same friends and all but --" he stammered.

"I get it. You have a new girlfriend. You want to still be friends blah blah. Ok, I'm over you, it's done." 

Hopefully he couldn't see that I was lying through my teeth. I couldn't break down at a moment like this. I need to be the cool girl that can be friends with her ex. 

"Oh, um, ok cool. Well I want you to meet Cara," as he motioned her over. "This is Cara."

I awkwardly shook her hand like we had just made an important business deal.

"Hey," she said. "It's nice to meet you, PJ told me all about you."

I'm sure he did. Did he tell you we took each others virginity? Did he tell you that he would talk about marriage at 18? Did he tell you he told me that he would only want me for the rest of our lives? Well probably not the last one considering he probably says the same crap to her. 

I just smiled at her.

"Well, a bunch of us," PJ said pointing to a group of our friends, "are going to Murphy's Pub after this if you want to come. Jess says she wants to catch up."

"I'm actually with Tori now so as long as I can get my parents to come pick her up, I'll come."

"Ok, then I guess just text Jess after the show." he said.

Holy shit. What in the hell was I thinking?! Why did I just agree to that? That could have seriously been the dumbest move on my part.

Thankfully, as the concert was ending my mom agreed to pick up Tori. I convinced her that I had to show my face since I said yes. She really didn't want me going and didn't think it was good for my "mental health." Oh well, no turning back now.

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