A Little Out of Hand

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Pillow wall fail number: forgot to count after 27.
I woke up with Percy sitting bolt upright, shivering next to me. I threw myself up, a little too fast, trying to comfort him, but my hair flopped into my face, and he laughed softly.
"You good?" I asked as I tried to push my hair back.
"I think so." He said as he brushed a stray lock out of my face. I rolled my eyes before they landed on the clock.
"Come on; we're going to be late for your last day." I pushed his arm. I had my last day two days ago.
Sally had found one of my many aunts on Facebook, and they wanted to see me for the school year. I didn't want to go, but Sally said it was better to see my family at least once than never again. I wasn't even able to start school here, so I was shipped cross country to California. Sadly, I only got to see Annabeth once, but at least I'm up to date on my schooling.
My aunt wanted me to stay, but California didn't get any snow on Christmas, so it was a no-go for me. Not just that, but they were all stuck up rich people. But, there was a red-headed girl, that was pretty chill, who came over to visit every break. After school had finished, I packed my bags and came back home to New York.

"You're coming too, rich girl." He laughed as I shook my head at him before getting up and finding some clothes.
"Rich people are snobby and stuck up... not me, thank you very much," I smirked before walking into the bathroom and getting dressed into some dark grey running pants and a light blue t-shirt. I laced up my sneakers and stepped up as I shoved my blue hair into a ponytail.
I came out to see Percy talking to his mom... and by the look on their faces, it wasn't good.
"Ah! Andromeda, don't you look lovely." Sally smiled at me as my face flushed.
"Oh, thank you." She caught me off guard with the compliment.
"Percy, I bet Andromeda would love to meet Tyson." She pushed, looking at me for support.
"Uh, sure... why not?" I shrugged before she pushed us out the door and shut it. "What was that about?" I asked before he told me about camp and why we might not be able to go this year.


While Percy and Tyson were in English, I was thrown into whatever this class was.
"You freak!" Someone yelled as I rolled my eyes. "Why don't you just go back to your cardboard box!" My eyes grew fire as I realized who he was talking to.
"Take it back, Sloan!" Percy yelled as Tyson started to cry.
"Yo!" I called as the 3 Boys looked up at me. "Prissy rich wannabe! Yeah, you with the little beady black fly eyes!"
"Andromeda!" Tyson grinned.
"Hey, buddy." I waved. "Now, if we're going to have a problem, I can easily show you a problem. Scram." I barked at him as he ran away.
"Thanks, Ann." Percy smiled at me as he and Tyson came over to the fence.
"No biggie. Hey, if he says anything else, let me know. I'll put him on his... rear." I smirked.
"One day here, and you're alright making friends." Percy scoffed lightheartedly.

Next, I had English and just read a book. Whenever anyone came over to me, I shot them a glare, and they ran off.
After that was Chemistry, I blew up a few things like she had asked and aced the test. Then after that, it was finally P.E, the only class I had with Percy and Tyson.
"No way, Jackson. Who is that? She's not your-?" Sloan asked as he looked at the picture of Annabeth and me, at some building in California that I couldn't remember the name of, that I sent to Percy.
"Aww, I didn't realize that you missed me so much." I smiled at Percy as I walked over, and Sloan looked me over. "Ok, ass. Let's get one thing straight, look at me again, and you'll never see again... get it? Got it? Good." I snapped at him before the gym teacher told us to get changed. Thankfully, there weren't enough gym clothes for me, so I just pulled on some athletic leggings and a sports top.

 Thankfully, there weren't enough gym clothes for me, so I just pulled on some athletic leggings and a sports top

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I walked out with most of the guys staring at me. I growled at them before pounding my fist into my hand.
"Coach, may I be captain?" Sloan asked as the old man waved him off. "Andromeda."
"No." I looked at my nails.
"An-" he started again before I shot him a stern glare, and he moved on. I was on Percy's team along with Tyson and quite a few nerds.
Once Sloan blew the whistle, everyone on our side ran for cover except for Percy, Tyson, and me.
"Ok, let's g-" Percy started before he got hit in the stomach with a ball. I looked up and pushed myself into a back end, narrowly missing a ball going the speed of sound.
"Damn!" I yelled as another ball zoomed past me and locked the door. I pulled myself back up to see all of the kids with the weird names were now freaking giants. "Are you kidding me!?"
"Princess for master and the rest are lunch!" Joe Bob grinned at me as I swiped my wrist as my sword, Storm Bringer, and slashed the ball in half.
While I was fighting one of the giants, Tyson killed like 4 of them, and Percy was still fighting Joe Bob. I slashed mine in half and then ran behind Joe Bob, sticking my sword into him just as Annabeth did the same with her dagger.
"Hey, I missed you," I said as she gave me a hug before punching Sloan and leaving.
"Percy did it!" Sloan yelled before I grabbed Percy's and Tyson's hands before jumping out onto the street.

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