Prologue: The Scent of Lavender.

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Song: Rainy day loop- SALES





August 6, 2021. The day I lost everything.

I always resented waking up early but yet I did it every day, at exactly 5:30.

BEEP. BEEP. My alarm clock softly blared bringing me out of my light slumber; I sluggishly pulled myself out of bed and stretched out my body, a loud yawn leaving my mouth as I did so.

I immediately looked for the whereabouts of my phone and found it under my pillow, turning on my phone I instantly wince due to the brightness and turned it down. I looked over at the top left corner of my phone and my eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets as I stared at today's date, the sleepy haze I was in instantaneously faded away as I scrambled around my room to get ready.

August 6. I had been looking forward to this day for the past 3 months and it was finally here, the day I'd either get into the school of my dream or stay home for another year crying and eating all the ice-cream in the fridge.

I hurriedly made my way into the bathroom and did my daily routine; popping out of the bathroom I heard my phone dinging. I rushed over to it already knowing who it was, an unconscious smile fleeting onto my face as I read the tons of messages from my boyfriend.

"Babe wake up, it's today."

"Hey princess, did you get in?"

"I'll come pick you up after work so you can tell me all about how I told you, you were going to get in and you did and how I'm always right." I chuckled softly feeling his excitement radiating through the phone, seconds before I could answer his messages my phone starts ringing.

I laughed immediately picking up the phone as I heard him chuckle too. "You couldn't be just a tad bit patient, could you?" I asked coyly as he let out a breathy chuckle.

"Well if it has to do with my girlfriend getting into the school of her dream, then no, no I couldn't be any more patient." He said excitedly as I could hear the smile in his voice. "Anyways did you get in like I said you would?"

Chuckling I started. "Well if you'd let me speak you'd know that it's still too early for them to send me a letter. I'm just going to go to work, finish up my volunteering work and then come back home and hopefully by then I'd find the acceptance letter waiting for me in my Mother's hand, I'm sure she would've opened it before I get back." I smiled to myself thinking of my Mother's impulsive nature.

"Just know if all doesn't work out, get a ton of ice-cream, a box of tissues and some of our friends and we're good." I said as I heard his hearty chuckle vibrate through the phone.

"Don't worry chérie you're gonna get in and as a reward for being so smart, me and you, maybe some of our friends." He said, his thick French accent blending with his American one. I could already hear the eye roll in his voice just mentioning our obnoxiously loud but wonderful friends. "We can all go out for some drinks and then a swim later at Larvotto beach and then after maybe we could..." His tone grew huskier and more quite as my eyebrows furrow not knowing where he was going with his sentence.

"Go back to my place and..." My mouth dropped open forming an 'o' shape as he continued to whisper all the things he planned to do to me at his house. I stood in the middle of my room, my towel draped around my chest not knowing how to respond.

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