Chapter 3 - Astra

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    After what had just happened, I was not looking forward to the second period of the day. My outfit was completely ruined, and I had to see Harper again before I could see Charlotte. I hope at least they were having a good day.

    The walk to the Elemental II class was long, halfway across the school. Halfway across the school to walk covered in Elephant Toothpaste.

   People were looking at me as I walked by, stalking me. I threw my hood over my head, pulled the strings tight, and walked a little faster to the classroom. It felt like I was walking a mile a minute because just before I could get to where I was going, I hit a wall.

    Not a figurative 'oh no what's gonna happen' wall, but a literal wall.

    Only after I looked up did I realize I wasn't quite sure where I was. The hallways got a lot darker; creeping shadows crawled up the hooded walls. Cloaks of darkness covered the corridors. There was nothing but a tiny, little, door.

    Not like a dwarf-sized door or anything crazy; it was just a lot smaller.

    I turned around to find the Elemental II class was right behind -me, battling the darkness with a mesmerizing red glow. I turned back around to see that little door, it pulled me more than the other one. I got the courage to walk forward and looked at the sign hanging above the entrance.

   It read simply "Only Minors Allowed" with a giant symbol of a skull graffiti-painted onto the door. Skipping just this one class wouldn't hurt. Maybe there was a sink in there to wash me off with or something.

    Then I looked into the half-shattered window. There was nothing. It was a dead room, abandoned clearly by some sort of stupid kids gathering. Bet these kids just couldn't wait to get expelled.

    As I walked in, the room had a specific smell. It was like the smell of lumber mixed with rotting flesh. I couldn't put my finger on it- but I definitely knew where it was coming from.

    The closet was locked shut. I wasn't gonna try to open it- considering the fact that the smell was coming straight from there. Suddenly, I heard a whisper, some clinking, and then?

    Well, I heard nothing at all.

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