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After fangirling, dying, resurrecting and fucking dying again for about 20 minutes I was finally able to answer this precious guy
"OH MY GOD! This is the best day of my entire life! @ Louis_Tomlinson #ROUIS is now the world's OTP and specially mine I CAN'T!!!!!"
I've been dreaming to get noticed by Louis literally since I was born AND HE KNOWS ME WHO I AM!!!!
Tomorrow's gonna be just perfect!!! I'm finally meeting my future husband!

It is currently 5:00 am and I can't sleep, my brain is too busy thinking about Louis and how perfect he is and the fact that he knows who I am.
I sigh and close my eyes hoping for some sleep.

"Ryan, Ryan! RYAN! Move your lazy ass out of that bed! We only have 2 hours before the concert!" My roommate Steph screams from the door

"Wait what.... TWO HOURS!?" I wake up as fast as I can and I immediately start looking for my clothes, I was going to see One Direction so I couldn't just wear the first thing I found

When I'm finally done dressing up I go to Steph's room and I see her just sitting there watching a movie

"Are you crazy or what!? We're going to be late!!" I turn off her TV and practically ran to the door

"Calm down 'Mr. Tomlinson's future husband' we have enough time"

"Do I look like I care? Get in the car!" I love Steph but come on we're talking about One direction!


I can't find something good enough to wear today, I'm taking way to long to pick my outfit thanks to that blue eyed guy, he's gonna be so close and he'll see every single imperfection in me...

"Hurry up Louis! We need to practice!" I didn't even noticed when Zayn came in...

"I'll be there in a minute! I just can't find anything!"


"I can't wait! He's going to be so close! But... What if he changes his mind when he sees me? What if he hates me? What if he hates my clothes? I mean he's absolutely perfect I just can't find any imperfection in he's beautiful face and.."

"SHUT UP RYAN! God you're pissing me off" Steph says as she was parking the car.. WE ARE HERE



Steph: If you don't shut up I'm gonna drive all the way back home ok?

Zayn: Just hurry up for fuck's sake!

TWITTER: @SmosherBroMonse
Have you seen his last video!? #BaddieAF

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