The boxing classes

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I loved taking boxing classes, I still do the hip warm ups when I remember stretching in the morning. I recommend it to any girl. In fact I feel like daring the girls here to go take boxing classes. Go pick out a favorite punching bag like I did and Imagine the person you can't stand at work or school. That did wonders for me at the time. Boxing is empowering. I didn't feel like I could take on the world but I did feel like I could kick someones ass. It's good to relieve some stress and it's a challenge. Boxing classes are a challenge. I respect boxers infinitely more after taking a single boxing class. My trainer challenged me and I showed him something. I could be 5'0 and 190 lbs but I'm training, losing weight and lifting weights. I was genuinely getting ready to kick some ass. 

My instructor was hot. That helps. Skinny with muscles and in shape. I get intimidated with training but he was good about training me. I picked out the wrong type of shirt for boxing. None pro tip. Take an extra shirt with you because you're going to sweat. It's all cardio. All of it is cardio. They didn't make me jump any rope and I didn't see a single jump rope around. Thank God. I have breasteses. I don't want to go to a group session and jump some rope and I'm pretty sure the instructors know that. It's not 5th grade gym class. Am I the only one who remembers that?. It was hell. I want to say I don't know the point of making tiny little bodies jump around but I do. It's the same reason that has me going to boxing classes, joining and leaving a gym, joining a better gym (my friends free home gym) and lifting some weights. I was ready to kick some ass.

Like I said this is just a sample of my writing. I have different topics I want to talk about. Not just losing weight. That's just one of many. One being marrying my husband after knowing him for 2 weeks and no. It wasn't for love.

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