It's easy

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Being a female is easy, so men say. I've heard the men in my family talk about how easy it is to be a female. They all say the same thing. " si yo fuera mujer yo fuera Puta". If I was a female I would be a whore they all say. They don't respect whores but they would all be one. That's male logic for you. They don't understand the pressure it is to be one of us. To be an insecure female in this world. Most things work against you. Men know what they want because they're men. They don't understand what it's like to sit down and try to understand them. Men have their own language. They understand each other. Men are simple that way. They don't share that language with females. Only the girls with good fathers get the code to decipher men. I didn't get the code and I'm still studying the complex nature of such simple beings. The traps men lay down for females. I was known as easy thanks to my fathers carelessness with me. I didn't understand that there were traps. That men aren't romantic straight from the top because they don't know you. That they push and pull to see how we react. That they like to press on buttons and put us under pressure to see how we react. That it takes time to build a relationship. 

Daddy didn't teach me anything and told me it would be hard to be me in this world. I don't think he understands what it means to be a female. I don't think any of the men in my family who failed to give me my teachings understands how to be a female in this world. I think they would all get an F in the class with teachers like them. Todos se graduarian con F en la clase. After all, they would all be whores and according to men, whores don't deserve respect. 

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