Bear naked

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He rustled through his keys and unlocked his door, he threw Teddy onto the bed as he shut the entrance behind him, a distressed and uneasy look washed over the coffee-stained plush; they were about to become an even more stuffed bear.

As Teddy sat there, hopelessly, unable to do anything except accept whatever comes next. MB rested his head in his arms on the door facing away from the toy, when yet again, a grin of full disgusting fantasies arose. He began to slowly approach them, undoing his tie and taking off his suit while the bear lay dormant, no mercy was going to be given.

The toy was flipped over with no politeness as MB pulled out his... well... other 'stuffed toy'.
Rougher then a dog after someone steps on their property, he pounded the back of his companion with no remorse, enjoying every second of it although it didn't fulfil his needs, yes the bear's carrying more children inside it then a UNICEF gathering but it isn't enough, doesn't satisfy the sadistic fuck enough. He just needs something that ISBenough...

A bang on the door follows after his thoughts, a rough, old smoker voice screamed "SHAT UP!" As if he was gonna be asked for fags, and hit the door from the outside with what seems to be a cane. "OF COURSE, it's the old hag on the floor below, she's been a brat since the day I moved in, however... I've changed, im not scared of her anymore, im not intimidated, HA HA I'd say it would be quite the opposite now" he argued passionately in his head "yeth, coming hold on" he said aloud in his usual vocals, just so he doesn't... throw her off guard.

The horrific smile he had before changed into a casual friendly grin as he pulled everything back over himself and threw Teddy off the bed and on the floor (away from sight). What he physically shows is all but a lie compared to what desires he's feeling deep down, all he knows, is that she's gonna be his...

The whimsical façade of Mr BeanWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt