9: She's My Sure Bet

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*** Lex's POV ***

Today feels like my birthday. I woke up next to my beautiful woman sprawled naked next to me. I teased her awake with my tongue moving along her curves. She reciprocated and then rode me to our mutual finale.

We met up with our newly engaged friends and found one of the hundreds of expansive brunch buffets along the Strip. Now we're heading to the opening ceremonies of the rugby tournament.

"You want some swag, babe?" Kinsey tugs on my arm. We stop at the official merchandise shop and I buy a polo for me, a hoodie for Dylan, and a cute tank for Kinsey.

Sasha looks anxious so I ask, "Are you okay?"

"I kinda get lightheaded at the sight of blood so I'm a little nervous about that." She admits.

Alan wraps his arm around her shoulders. "Maybe the ladies' matches will be better for us."

"That's sexist." Kinsey tells him, her hands on her hips.

"She's right. The girls may actually have more injuries than the guys." Lex says.

"Let's go check out where the first aid station is in relation to our seats, just in case. We'll see you guys in a bit." Alan suggests and they wonder off through the milling crowd.

I look down at Kinsey and smile. "I'm glad you're not a delicate flower."

She scoffs. "You'd be surprised by the brutal injuries that can happen in dance."

We walk out to the seating area and look out over the field. I am in awe. "Man, this is so cool."

"You're geeking out." Kinsey taunts me.

"I totally am." I agree.

"Let's take a selfie and send it to Dylan." Kinsey says, wiggling excitedly.

"That's mean, babe." I try to convince her.

"What? He's got the miracle of life happening. He doesn't get to have it all." She insists. I chuckle and pose to appease her.

We take our seats which are amazing and wait for the events to start. The stands are slow to fill, but before too long they are packed. By the start of the second game, all of us are getting into the action, even little Sasha is standing and yelling.

Following fireworks, we Uber back from the field to downtown. We're all quiet and pretty worn out.

"I didn't know spectating could take so much out of you. I'm pooped!" Sasha announces.

"I feel like I'm baked and salty. I need a shower then maybe I'll get a second wind." I say.

"I think we're going to keep things kinda low-key tonight. Maybe order some room service. Are you two okay if we bail?" Alan asks.

Kinsey and I exchange a look. I know exactly what she's thinking and I swear it really is like my birthday. Kinsey smiles sweetly at our friends. "No problem. We'll probably keep things low-key too. Enjoy your night."

We get in the elevators and go our separate ways. I don't say anything until our door closes. "Please tell me you're thinking what I'm thinking."

Kinsey nods enthusiastically. "Yes, babe. We can go to a strip club together."

"Yes!" Then I quickly clarify. "You know the only reason I am so excited is because you expressed an interest in going."

Her cheeks turn pink and she says innocently. "I'm curious more than anything else. I want to figure out my back-up career if the studio doesn't bring in the business I want."

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