30: Contrasting Sensations

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*** Rory's POV ***

I may have overdone it on the alcohol while working up the courage for my talk with Lucas. I didn't know what to expect in terms of reception from him and yet here we are, riding back to his place and barely able to keep our hands off each other.

Are we being reckless? Probably.

Are we setting ourselves up for heartbreak? God, I hope not.

I know these six weeks end with me heading off to start my new life in Washington, but I can't deny the allure and pull of spending these six weeks with Lucas. We stop in front of his house and I can tell he is a bit nervous behind all that swagger from earlier.

I unbuckle my seatbelt and crawl over onto his lap, squeezing myself between him and the steering wheel. He looks up into my face and I see a bit of doubt in his eyes. I place my hands on his shoulders and lean down to kiss him softly.

A faint whisper of a kiss on his lips and I feel him inhale sharply. "Shit, Rory. What are we doing here?"

He's having second thoughts.

I have to be convincing. I run my hands over his shoulders and chest. "Well, I don't think either of us will deny that we're attracted to each other. I honestly haven't been able to think about anything but that last night I spent here. I couldn't wait to come back."

"But you're going to leave again. And I'm going to be stuck." He replies quietly.

"Then don't let yourself get stuck." I don't even know what that means when it slips from my lips.

Lucas gathers my hands and sighs. "Let's go inside. I'll make some tea or coffee."

I shift off his lap. He's quiet as we walk in. Gone is the eagerness he had when we left the bar. He's in his head.

I sit on the couch while he puts a tea kettle on. He comes and sits next to me on the couch. I take his hand and avoid his eyes.

"Look Lucas, I can't tell you that what we're doing is the right thing. But I can tell you that no one has ever made me feel the way you make me feel." My voice trails off as I feel tears prick my eyes.

"Don't." His voice is tender, but I don't understand his single word response. His warm hand cups my face and his fingers swipe away the tears about to fall.

"Don't what?" I ask.

"Don't open your heart to me. I'll crawl inside and never want to leave." He grabs my arms and pulls me into him and I feel it happening already as his lips crash down onto mine. He holds onto me so tightly and it meets a need I didn't know I had.

The kettle whistling signals us to separate.

"Don't move." He tells me and dashes into the kitchen. I take a deep breath and hang my head. I hate showing vulnerability.

A steaming mug appears. I smell peppermint and inhale deeply. Lucas breathes my name out. "Rory?"

"Yeah." I rub my neck and accept the mug. He sits across from me and we silently sip. The air is thick with tension. We flirt with our eyes over the tops of our mugs.

I'm about halfway through when Lucas gets up and takes my mug from me. He sets it down on the coffee table and then extends his hand to me. I take it and stand. He places my hand on his chest and he draws me near to him. My breath catches.

"Rory, can I take you to bed with me?" He asks shyly.

I smile up at him. My voice comes out in a whisper. "And what exactly are we going to do in bed, Lucas?"

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