Chapter 14

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This chapter is extremely dark compared to my other chapters. I have reworked this chapter five times and this is far from how dark the original was. I apologize to anyone who finds this offensive in anyway.


Imp was in the middle of talking to the Dasari that had taken over while he was absent when he felt it. Felt it rather then saw it, for the magic protection he had placed on oasis nearby vanished, as if absorbed by something.

Imp quickly turned around to look in the direction of the oasis only to find Grall standing before him. Grall looked disheveled, grime and dents rendered the once pristine armor as if he had just returned from a battle. Imp paid little attention to his armor, his eyes fixated where the bandages once was.

The light around Grall where the once white bandages lay seemed to bend inward toward him. Two black orbs that looked to absorb the light sat where his eyes should be. Crimson streaks stained his cheeks as what appeard to be blood tears ran down his face uncontrollably.

Imp suppressed a gasp as he looked upon the once valiant figure. "What do you want, Gra-"

"Open a portal to hell." Grall said in a voice that wasn't his own. "Do it now."

Imp frowned, he knew how to open a portal to hell and has done so many times since they left in order to study the inhabitants, but he had not realized Grall knew he could. "I'll do it in a moment," Imp said as he started to turn back to the Dasari, "I am in the middle of-"

Grall, impatient and showing signs of madness, grabbed Imp and turned him around. "Do it now." Grall spoke with such a commanding voice that Imp found himself lost for words.

Imp lifted a hand and a portal appeared, inside the portal, Imp could see some strange activities among the demons. Grall, seemingly not noticing the strangeness, leapt through the portal without a word. As Grall jumped through the portal, a great gust of air hit Imp in the face, all the greenery weathered and died with the gust.

Imp stared at a once green patch of grass in horror. The portal was already closed and Imp hadn't told Grall how to escape. Imp hoped against hope that Grall, The Reaper, would never escape.

Thinking quickly, Impartis pulled out his communication stone, he had made it a long time ago in order to stay in contact with the others, and rushed to tell the rest what happened.


Madness had taken its hold of Grall, but he still clung to a sane part of his mind. Because of this, he was able to move with a purpose as he stepped through to hell. Grall quickly scanned the area, not finding the one he wanted and pushed forward.

As he walked several demons jumped in his way to block his path. Grall easily cut them down, his blade gleamed red and seemed to emit a dark aura about it. Grall cared little about these fodder and found himself swatting them away like flys.

Grall traveled through hell for what felt like a year before finally finding the demon he was searching for. The demon was knelt down on the ground, bones lay at his feet, he was in the process of sucking morrow out of a bone when Grall caught sight of him.

Grall silently approached the demon, Oathbreaker in hand. The demons back was turned towards him as he finished sucking the morrow out of the bone he held. Grall, without saying a word, brought Oathbreaker down onto the demons arm, cutting it off in one swing.

The demon let out a howl of pain and anger as it turned to look upon Grall. Its eyes widened in horror as it recognized the change that had taken place when he left Grall in the material realm. The once puny, weak, slow, and stupid orc he had sought to make suffer now stood before him as The Reaper.

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