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I reach across the car grab David's head and put both of us down. A bullet went from the passenger seat window and out my driver seat window. I sped off running the red light and speeding down the road.

I grab my guns and notice I'm low on ammo.

"David... I have a first aid kit that has three bottles of alcohol in the backseat , I have some wine bottles in the trunk and I have some paper in the glove department , grab them for me NOW." I instruct as I dodge traffic.

David Scramble through everything hurriedly and reaching in the trunk from the backseat took him a minute but he got it just in time .

"Alright now I need you to take the wheel."

He looks at me startled "Bro , I'm scared as fuck."

"I am too but I got you." I said smiling and resuming my attention to our situation.

We quickly let our seats down and both switch seat.

I open my sunroof and pull myself through and shot at the guy windshield. Within a few bullets I created a pretty big hole to  be able to throw some things in .
I got back down, I grabbed 3 wine bottles, filled it with more alcohol, grab some some paper and put it in the bottles.

"I need you to drive a little slower so that he's right behind us."

David slowed down a little so the man could be on our tail. When he got closer he quickly pulled out his gun, pulled the trigger making the bullet graze my arm causing me to silently roar in pain. I immediately lit up papers inside the bottle and threw them with my arms in pain.

"GO!!!!" I yell at David.

My Car engine ROARED and my tires screeches after David making a right turn almost causing me to fly out the sun roof .

I heard a mini explosion meaning the fire was starting. He drove himself into a building, destroying glass windows  and doors. David Stops the car and made a u-turn.

"Well Damn..."

"Gangsta call for back up."

"Way ahead of you sir."
I stood still to listen to my surrounding and I heard sirens from a distance.

About an hour later, Me and David got back to my house. I walked inside my house and I see that it was still empty. They didn't get back yet. I walk into the kitchen and take out some frozen shrimp, broccoli and potatoes.  David was taking his shoes off at the door and took a seat at the counter.

"Crazy Night, huh?"

"Yeup." I said while putting everything in the sink for it to defrost or thaw out.

I walk to my room , went inside my bathroom and turn on the water to prepare for a shower.
I put on some Lana Del Ray to relax my nerves and put my mind at ease.


He tired and annoyed or aggravated . I know it.
The shit he goes through on a daily have got to be exhausting. Dangerous people are trying to kill him everyday. Plus, he got extra curricular shit to do and on top of that.... he's about to be a Dad. Know that this is what he does for a living and this is how he lives, at lot of things things to add up.
It explains a lot like why his relationships doesn't last or why he's rarely gets personal with anyone or let anyone in to understand him. He must feel unappreciated or misunderstood. He's really out here risking his life everyday to saves someone else life - hell , to save the world. I think I might've had developed a different kind of respect for him.

I heard the shower run in the other room and I thought that maybe he could use some company. If I'm right about him feeling unappreciated.... a little love goes a long way.

I walk in the room and strip naked so I can join him in the shower. When I came into the bathroom, It was a beautiful sight to see. His Body is Beautiful.
And he got a nice ass but that DICK ... "Wow" I said making him turn around looking at me through the glass door. " So you hopping in or nah." He said lathering his body in some rose scented soap.

I grabbed a rag from his cabinet and then open the glass door to gets in . He began washing his face and I began wetting my body but struggled to because K.T was slightly in my way. He must've sense that I was having a problem because he pulled a lever on a wall making the water from the shower head stop and then I felt water drop from the ceiling.

"You have a Rain Shower, Lit as fuck." I said amazed. "Thanks, They make the best shower." He said smiling a little. "They usually aren't this big tho." I spoke questioning.
"Yea, I had to get it customized. It was pretty cheap."

"How much?" I ask curiously knowing our definition of cheap is different .

"Thirty-Seven hundred" he said as if it was nothing.

"Too much, I'll be d.i.y - ing it before I pay thirty-seven hundred."

"Whatever." He said rolling his eyes.

We continue to shower and I decided to hug him from behind, His body tense up as a reaction but he relaxes and just stood still , statue-like.

A minute gone by and we were just standing there then he turned around facing me. He placed his hands on my waist and I wrap mines around his neck. He looked me in the eyes for a few secs and then gently removed my arms from his neck and turned me around.

He began sucking on my neck and then whisper in my ear "Let's finish where we started." All I felt was shivers down my spine and butterflies in my stomach. I felt the greatest happiness I've had in a long time. I knew I had the biggest smile on my face.


Love Dre

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