Flustered children and second hand embarrasment 😈

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This is dedicated to my beautiful friend Katerina~ thank you for always being there for me through thick and thin, I love you very much and I couldn't be more grateful for having you in my life ❤️

We could make a very effective Marinette together, you'd be the sunshine incarnate that makes everybody love us and I'd be the absolute chaos and craziness~ angel and demon~ I love you ❤️

Now is the moment Damian and Marinette meet! Officially. Drumroll please~


The next morning was an accident. Part of it anyways. It really was!!

So you see, Marinette woke up and wanted waffles. Except, she thought it was still the night... Because...because the curtains were closed, and, huuuh, Jason wasn't there which obviously meant he was in his room, not having breakfast with his family! NnOOo.

Right, so let's pretend we all believe Marinette (sorry sweetie) when she says she DiDn'T plan all the chaos she'd make. But, hey, its not entirely her fault either! She has a sucky black cat and has to make up for it by creating chaos~ hehe see what I did there?

It's also partially Jason fault, I guess, because, you know, he helped the plotting. And Alfred could be blamed too, because he knew about the plotting (Alfred knows all) and didn't say anything! And I mean, technically I'm the only one to blame because I wrote it but tha- back to the point- right.

So, as I was saying. Marinette went downstairs to the kitchen to make waffles, and while she was at it, she thought, heh why not make some for the whole fam~ So she makes multiple batches of waffles. Nothing suspicious about that~ after that she let them to cool and went to wake Damian. Because that's a good idea. This is where her carefully constructed plan gets mushed up.

She got to his door, she gets there before Alfred -cheer 🎉- and knocks on it doing her best 'Alfred' imitation. It's terrible and he totally knows it's her as son as she knocks on the door because she didn't do the specific rhythm Alfred does. Fail.

He opens the door and there's a katana to her neck in seconds. CooOol. His eyes widen and he drops his katana. Marinette is still frozen with her hand in the middle of knocking on the door. She drops it to her side after a few seconds and nervously clears her throat.

Damnit, she did not plan on him being this hot. Her eyes travel up his shirtless body until she reaches his eyes (he's tall, she loves it) gradually turning redder. He's also blushing, and damn red looks good on him -stawp it brain- and he's saying something but his lips are moving and it's EXTREMELY distracted and what is he saying seriously?! And now he's smirking at her. Smirking!! Imagine your crush, but like ten times hotter, smirking at you!?! Yeah no. She tripped on her own feet stumbling backwards and squeaked out something.

He caught her and now she has her hands on his BARE chest and she cannot think clearly anymore, somebody help her! No not you! Why are you leaning in?! You trying to kill her?!?

Then he's chuckling in her ear and that's a delicious sound that takes her out of her deaf brain long enough for her to hear his next words.

"Why hello there beloved~" AnD tHeN hE kIsSeS hEr EaR!!!! Marinette.ex has stopped working.

He leaned back out, still holding her, and brushed his knuckles on her cheek putting a strand of hair behind her ear.

"You're even prettier than I remember~ especially in red"

Nope her insides were NOT jelly, why would you think that?

"WAFFLES" She all but screamed, and Damian jumped back, startled by her outburst, "YUP! Mean I, I mean, yup, waffles what I said that's, that's what I said! Made I breakfast waffles for? I for waffles breakfast made, I mean! I made waffles for breakfast" deep breath, slow down, "y-you can come down, hum, downstairs shirtless I MEAN PUT ON A SHIRT BEFORE YOU COME DOWNSTAIRS, yup this is going great Marinette, just great, way to embarrass yourself to the most handsome guy on the planet, 10/10 fail!" And she walked away, muttering about another failed crush, seemingly unaware of the flustered Damian she left in her wake.

Alfred, alerted by the screaming rushed to master Damian's room. When he got there Damian was staring at the end of the hallway. When he noticed Alfred's presence he passed a hand over his face and mumbled something Alfred thought was 'she was real?' When he asks for clarifications the young master said, "I thought she was a dream, wait maybe she still is, Alfred pinch me, OUCH, not literally, God you pinch hard! Omg she's really here! Why Did Nobody Tell Me?!" He glared at the wall before walking back into his room. Ah young love, Alfred smiled. ~They were going to get along great.~

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