Contest entry

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This chapter is dedicated to LookAtTheSTARS1 because... Do I really need a reason? Just because. Happy Halloween! There that's why. Ok, no for real, thank you for all your comments and support, they mean the world, and when I was lying in bed trying to go to sleep this idea wormed it's way into my head. Saying that I was thinking about you sounds way to creepy and personal, so I won't say it. But I was thinking about your comments and this sounds cheesy as fuck so Imma stop. 


You wanna know something funny. One of my drafts for the first chapter of this fic made the break in happen in the batcave and thus Marinette knew the identities of the batfam. That ended up not happening and I conveniently forgot about that while writing this and when I remembered that Mari wasn't supposed to know their identities it was too late, I was too attached, so this has become a bonus. Something that has happened in an alternative dimension of this story but not in this specific time frame. Fancy words make me feel smart.

You Wanna Know Something EVEN Funnier?! In part five I wrote that Jason gave a tour of the Batcave to Marinette!! Hah. Then forgot about it. So fuck timelines and the order of chapters am I right? So when Mari wrote this letter, she isn't SUPPOSED to know their identités and thus it's a bonus. But she does know them now because secrets isn't a word when it comes to father and daughter.


Dearest BatUce ManYe,  

you are said to be the world's greatest detective. If you did not understand the cryptic text above I am sorely disappointed.

(It took me a long time to come up with a good name mush, Show Me Some Respect.)

I have, in this following document, answered all the necessary questions to enter the Martha and Thomas Wayne scholar ship. I haven't completed any of the optional questions, because I frankly don't have the time.

Why does your class deserves this scholarship?
I don't think my class deserves this scholarship at all.
I mean sure, we are a bunch of amazing people;
A lying fox, a tabloid writer, a spineless coward, a bully jock, a short pink weed, a few other bullies, let's not forget our magnificent teacher who victimizes the bully and bullyises the victim (ues those are words and that sentence made sense, I assure you if you didn't understand it, you are clearly sleep deprived or high). AND of course, let's not forget me! I carry around an estimated 20 mini gods all the time. I like to think I'm pretty awesome~ I'd say all together our class has approximately 5Billion brain cells. My classmates and my teacher all share 1/2 of one and I am the proud owner of all the other ones. Yes I'm amazing.
Maybe you should give us the scholarship just to meet me~

What could your class bring to WE?
Absolutely nothing. Or maybe, on second thought, probably lots of trouble. And not the fun kind. My one classmate, the lying fox, would probably sprout some lie about how she's dating Damian and has been since they were 14 and blablabla and how she knows you and all the robins and how you even proposed her a place on the team and "OMG I'm so sorry batman, it's just with all my injuries I would only be a burden and slow you down, I can't put Gotham at risk like that. And that's without mentioning my charity work all around the world that forces me to travel all the time". And then villains would attack us because Lila basically painted a huge red target on us, and then she would blame me and try to get me sent home, and then she'd try flirting we Damian and call him some nickname like damibear or damiboo and tabloid writers would go crazy and BLABLABLA. You really shouldn't let's us near Gotham.

Communal work your class has done.
I personally donate 50% of my profits from each of my commisions to different charities and clauses all around the world. Let's not forget that I'm kinda technically the only competent hero Paris has and I save the whole city on a semi daily basis. Communal work :/
Lila has created so many charities that I can't remember them all and for some reason I am able to find no trace of them online. Weird.

Signed with much love to my possibly new father in law, Marinette something something/ Ladybug, hero of Paris.

P.S. I'm sure you have many questions, hopefully this will answer them.

Did you know akuma meant devil in Japanese?
Did you know my science teacher, Ms Mendeleiev is a descendant of something Mendeleiev, the man who came up with the first version of the periodic table of elements?
Did you know my outfit and hair colour in my personal show from another dimension are the exact opposite of my ex crush? So you take a picture with both of us, yeah? Then you inverse the colours on your screen, and bam! Exact opposites! (Ever since discovering this terrible thrust I have changed my outfit. I can feel you relief).
Did you know 'калинка' means ladybug in Bulgarian and 'птица' means bird? You pronounce калинка kawhinka and you pronounce птица ptitsa.
Did you know I was tagged on wattpad and I didn't even know untill today and I don't know what to do about it because I've never been tagged?
Did you know sleeping quietly on long journeys prevents insanity?
Did I really just quote frozen? Yes I did.

I hope that answers all your questions Batman. I can't wait to see you in Gotham, in person, when you inevitably give me and my class this scholarship for the sole purpose of questioning me some more, because I'm just THAT interesting~

I kinda feel bad for the people that actually filled this out in the hopes of wining.... Sucks to be them.


Soo.... Yeah, this is me procrastinating.... MOVING ON (this is absolutely a filler chapter) *cough*

I'm actually trying to learn Bulgarian and so far I remember almost all the alphabet and the sounds each letter makes. Now it's just an issue of learning the meaning of each word. Cuz like, if you give me one, I'll be able to translate it and say it out loud correctly, but I'll have no idea what it means. Does that make sense? Anywho, I'll probably be using some new words in my fics, because it actually helps me remember! So that's great.

Also, Halloween is in two days~~~ I'm dressing up as Harley, because maribat does that to you~ and I'm gonna attempt to go trick or treating. Which is ridiculous for many reasons. First, who the fuck thought it was a good idea to let a bunch of kids, go and get candy from a bunch of different houses in a time of pandemic?! Like, does homeschooling and covid measures suddenly mean nothing?!
Well it's free candy, so I won't complain (much).

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